The document they signed guaranteed they would have back up in war while fighting also military support for the war. This document also stopped anyone who tried to threaten one of the nations.
During World War 1 Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy created a secret alliance to become greater in the war. They formed this on May 20, 1882.
By: Alyssa Logan
The document they signed guaranteed they would have back up in war while fighting also military support for the war. This document also stopped anyone who tried to threaten one of the nations.
The countries in this alliance wanted to gain the back up just in case they got attacked in the war. The advantage of having this alliance is they would have help if threatened. This document kept them safe from most attacks.
This secret alliance was a military alliance because the only reason they made this document was for protection and a truce for their military purposes.
The first alliance was with Germany ans Austria-Hungary. Italy joined in later to the alliance because they wanted the military support. Also Italy wanted their support against France because Italy had lost North African ambitions to France.
At one point the three nations didn't care about the alliance any longer. They were all more interested into gaining more power and serving their own nation.
Germany and Austria-Hungary all ready had an alliance during WW1 stating they would help each other out in war. Italy joined in later making an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Germany because Italy wanted military support.
In Conclusion the three nations ended up recruiting more nations and built a side of the war called the allies. The triple alliance wasn't broken and gave military support and back up to Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy.