The Vandals were originally located in Scandinavia in 130 BC. They migrated South and settled in modern day Poland. The Vandals were farmers and usually lived near rivers. They were also highly respected craftsmen. They were ruled by a King and like the Romans had an upper class of society.
The Vandals
The Vandals

In the year 270 AD the Vandals had their first encounter with Rome. Like other Germanic tribes they were once Rome's allies and had citizens fight in the Roman army. The Roman army defeated the Vandals in 277 AD.
In 330 AD, Constantine conquered the Vandals and the Vandals lived with the Romans without any incidents until 406 AD. In 406 AD the Vandals invaded present day Spain and took over all their major ports by the year 420 AD. They were able to build a Navy to defend themselves from Rome.

In 249 AD, the Vandals sent 80,000 troops to Northern Africa to defeat the Romans once and for all. The Vandals sent a fleet from Carthage and destroyed any ships that were in its path. Since the Romans feared the Vandals, a peace treaty with the Romans was signed in 442. In 455, the Vandals nullified the treaty and then marched on Rome. Since the Romans were no match for the Vandals, Pope Leo tried to negotiate a deal wth the Vandals. The Vandals looted the city but did not destroy anything or harm any citizens. After they looted Rome they sailed back to North Africa.

The Byzantine empire caught the Vandals in surprise by coming to North Africa with an overwhelming force. They marched on Carthage and cut off the Vandals food and water supplies. in 534, The Byzantine empire captured the Vandal leader, Gelimer. The future of the Vandals ended there and the people adopted Roman culture.
Works Cited
Mark, Joshua J. "Vandals." N.p., 25 Nov. 2014. Web. 6 Dec. 2016.