C. 300 AD - Soninke were threatened by nomadic herders and the Soninke decided to band together to form Ghana, they grew in strength and thus made the Ghana Empire.
Kiele Sin and Matthew Magbanua
C. 300 AD - Soninke were threatened by nomadic herders and the Soninke decided to band together to form Ghana, they grew in strength and thus made the Ghana Empire.
800 AD - Ghana was firmly in control of West Africa’s trade routes, the rulers had gained power from taxing the traders and merchants who came.
1068 AD - A Muslim group with the name of Almoravids had attacked and tried to invade Ghana in an attempt to make it's leaders covert to Islam and their beliefs.
1076 AD - The Almoravids invade and had taken over the Ghana Empire, not controlling for long but had made it in a weakened state.
1200's AD - An internal rebellion starts against Ghana by the cause of unfair treatment to conquered empires. Within a few years the rebels had taken over the entire empire
1290 AD - Rebels soon found out that Ghana cannot stay in control and is now a weakened empire. Ghana was later attacked by one of its neighbors and fell apart.