Abraham Lincoln become president. It's important because he's the leader of the country. He was an abolitionist. He believed that slavery should be ended.
Abraham Lincoln become president. It's important because he's the leader of the country. He was an abolitionist. He believed that slavery should be ended.
Southern attack at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, April 12, 1861. The confederates demanded the surrender of the fort. president icon could not allow them to keep the fort. confederate president Jefferson Davis ordered his troops to attack the fort. The attack inspired the North to help save the Union. This was the beginning of the Civil War.
Union troops win the battle of Shiloh. Thousand of men from both side are killed. General Grant led 40,000 troops to a church could Shiloh. Before he could arrive the confidants decided to attack, the battle lasted 2 days and was one of he bloodiest battles in the war.
The north begins to draft men to the military. This battle was important because it gave the Union control of the Mississippi River.
Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation, this freed the slaves.
Surrender at Appomattox. Lee and his troops surrender to Grant. The confederate soldiers were free to go home. Several days later the president of the confederacy, Jefferson Davis, was captured and the was over.