Geographers use the latitude and longitude lines to make it easier for them to find certain places of the world.
What I will be explaining to you is the five themes of geography.The five themes of geography is Location,Place,Human Environment Interaction(HEI),Region,Movement.
Geographers use the latitude and longitude lines to make it easier for them to find certain places of the world.
Location is determined by latitude and longitude lines.Latitude lines are horizontal (left to right) and have an equator of 0.Longitude lines are vertical (up to down) and have a prime meridian of 0.
Absolute Location:`
Absolute location stands for an exact location with exact coordinates and must only have 1 absolute location.Latitude lines marks the north-south position of the equator to 90 degrees north and south.Longitude lines marks the west-east position of the prime meridian to 180 degrees west and east.For example, the exact location of Paris,France is 49 degrees north and 2 degrees east.
More examples down below:
Relative Location:
Relative location stands for a place in relation to a place nearby with common characteristics.A place can unlimited relative locations it just depends on what relative location you choose.In order to make a relative location anywhere you must relate it with a position.For example, the relative location of Lima,Peru is west of Brazil.
This image shows its application to the Philippines by using the coordinates to figure out an absolute location.For instance, the Philippines absolute location is 12.8 degrees north and 121.7 degrees east.You can also find places near the Philippines to figure out the relative location.For example, the Philippines are west of Guam.
Do you understand the theme location?Lets find out.
Every place always has two characteristics.The two characteristics are either physical characteristics or cultural characteristics.Also some cultural characteristics can be human as well.Some people that use other cultures to there everyday life means that they are acculturated.Acculturation means to adopt other culture characteristics to your own.Lastly,diffusion is to get cultural traits and go and spread it meaning to share it to others.Here are some examples of the U.S doing acculturation.
Physical Characteristics:
Physical characteristics are the way the area looks.Physical characteristics also depend on which area your talking about to because it could depend on culture to .For example, in San Diego there is a place called Old Town ,usually it would look like a normal town but because of its Mexican culture its changes the physical characteristics of the area.
This is my application to the physical aspects on the Philippines.This is showing you the rocky,green,clear,and beautiful areas of the Philippines.Here are other physical characteristics that are in the Philippines.
Cultural Characteristics:
Cultural characteristics are what people do on a daily basis that involve culture.Culture means a persons beliefs/actions that define there way of life.For instance, in San Diego there is a lot of multiculturalism.
This is my second application to the cultural aspects on the Philippines.There is a lot of culture this includes language,religion,celebration,meals,etc.Here are some cultural characteristics on the Philippines.
Every place always has how many characteristics?
What does diffusion mean?
Culture stands for?
Human environment interaction or HEI is how people effect the environment.There are two ways people can do this.They can either do positively or negatively.Some people choose to negatively effect the environment because they are to lazy to hold there trash until they see a trash can.Some people choose to positively effect the environment because when they see something on the ground that is not even theres they still choose to throw it away.HEI really just depends to though all you need to do is adapt and modify and that will go a long way.Here are some examples of HEI in San Diego
Positive HEI:
Positive HEI means to help your environment by doing certain things to sustain a healthy area.There are lots of ways to positively help your environment.In order to positively help your environment you must do some type of conserving.Here are some examples of positive HEI.
C)Hydro Power
Negative HEI:
Negative HEI is to hurt your environment by doing certain things to break the balance of a healthy area.If you happen to negatively hurt your environment your not only hurting the environment but your hurting everyone living in that environment including you.If you negatively effect the environment you had to do some type of land/air corruption.Here as some examples of negative HEI.