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Swear to howdy | Sutori

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Swear to howdy


  • CHARACTERS; Russel Copper aka Rusty or Popper Scooper and Joey
  • SETTING; Lost River , present day in the summer

Conflict- They share secrets witch leads to misbehavior.The secret big too big for Rusty to handle.. Inculding  finding at joey gets abused.

Rising action

The theme I understood was that when you hide secrets that are too big to handle they eat you up inside.

joeys dad almost beats him so joey and his mama and little sister have to leave


The climax is when joey puts the gun in his mouth.He cant take his dads beatings anymore

Falling Action

Russel sneaks out one day and when he gets back he finds his dad sitting on his bed.


Russel ends up telling his dad why he snuck out which was to talk with Joey. He ends up having to tell his dad about Joey and his dads beatings.