The Han empire had ended in 220 a.d .
The dynasties that united China and made it one of the greatest empires in the world.
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The Han empire had ended in 220 a.d .
Wendi declared himself emperor, and found a dynasty called the Sui which was short lived
The grand canal became very important for shipping things between southern china and northern china
Korea was one of the groups that china conquered.
T he warlords fought with each other while parts of northern china were conquered by the nomads
The farmers revolted because they got so angry.
Wendi died so his son took the Chinese throne
Government officials would get hired once again and it was base on what they got on the civil service exam
Taizong would also give land to the farmers
Wu ruled china as empress and in the Chinese history she was the only woman to rule, plus she ruled on her own
Korea was forced to pay tribute a special kind of tax.
The silk road was controlled by tang, and trade routes
During fall of the tang ,military leaders ruled china
Military leaders ruled china
The song dynasty has ruled ever since a.d 960 to 1279
Most of Northern china was took over by the nomads