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Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning has been a topic of interest in United States education dating back to ancient Greece and continuing to develop today.

Timeline of Social Emotional Learning

Date: 360 B.C.

Person: Plato

Reform: Plato wrote in his work The Republic, by creating a holistic curriculum that focused on social and emotional learning along with academics it would "produce citizens of good character" (Gavrielides, 2016, p.69)

What caused this?: Plato wrote The Republic as he believed in social justices and education reaching to all aspects: social, emotional, academic, and physical.

James P. Comer discussing his child development program

Date: 1968

Person: James P. Comer has been a professor at Yale University since 1968. He is best known for founding his Comer School Development Program which focuses on social, emotional, and academic opportunities for children. Mr. Comer has served as an author, consultant for children's television shows, a member of the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans, and has served among many other great educational committees and has received as many as 48 honorary degrees.

Reform: James P. Comer founded the Comer School Development program. Two low socio-economic elementary schools in New Haven, CT first implemented the program in 1968. Upon using the program, the results showed no behavior problems as well as improvement in attendance to help close the achievement gap. The Comprehensive School Plan, which is previously designed for that school, sets academic, social and community relations goals, and coordinates all school activities, including programs for all staff to develop better understandings (Comer School, 2015).

Why?: Dr. Comer and his colleagues were attempting to disprove a current theory that students in low socioeconomic or from a marginalized culture could not be "helped" academically (Comer School, 2015). Dr. Comer and his team provided the first two schools with a program meant to meet social emotional needs as well as academic.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965

Date: 1965

Person(s): President Lyndon B. Johnson and Ms. Kate Diedrich

Reform: This law created funding for low socioeconomic schools in hopes to bridge the achievement gap. This law labeled schools as Title 1, a provision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, 2017, para.1)

Why?: This law was created to provide schools with resources for staff development, instructional materials and parental involvement (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, 2017, para.1). Providing low socioeconmic schools with funding fosters students to have the opportunity for social and emotional learning as well as academic opportunities.

Karen McCown

Date: 1967

Person: Karen McCown.

Reform: In 1967, Karen McCown founded the Nueva School. Karen was born the daughter of two teachers and felt that nothing in education was geared toward gifted students, only those students on the opposite end of the spectrum. She formed the Nueva School with a strong academic curriculum but also focused on "self-science", also know as social and emotional learning. In the beginning, the school only provided services to kindergarten through second grade. Since the doors opened, it has expanded to a K-12 campus. Classes at the school are offered strictly to promote social emotional learning (History, 2016, para 1).

Why?: Karen McCown was not satisfied with student's social emotional learning as well as academic learning being met. She met with many psychologists and experts before opening the Nueva School to foster higher quality social emotional learning or self-science.

Roger P. Weissberg speaking on social emotional learning

Date: 1982-1992

Person: Roger P. Weissberg

Reform: Roger P. Weissberg became the a Professor of Psychology at the Universtiy of Yale in 1982. While a professor at Yale, he became involved in the New Haven Public School system and the implementation of the Social Development Project. He has authored many books promoting social emotional learning as well as assuming the role of chairperson on the Community and Prevention Research Program in the Department of Psychology and also directs the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Research Group at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Roger P. Weissberg, 2017). "Weissberg is also Board Vice-Chair and Chief Knowledge Officer for the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), an organization committed to making evidence-based social, emotional, and academic learning an essential part of preschool through high school education" (Roger P. Weissberg, 2017).

W.T. Grant Consortium on the School Based Promotion of Social Competence

Date: 1982-1992

Persons: Roger P. Weissberg & Maurice Elias

Reform: Weissberg and Elias co-chaired a committee with the New Haven Social Development program. In this program, the two researchers developed an outline for providing social and emotional skills in the public school setting (Social and Emotional, 2011, para. 11).

Why?: Weissberg & Elias believed in order for students to be successful in the classroom they must also be taught how to be emotionally competent. They described emotional competence as "identifying and labeling feelings, expressing feelings, assessing the intensity of feelings, managing feelings, delaying gratification, controlling impulses, and reducing stress" (Social and Emotional, 2011, para. 11).

CASEL Wheel of Core Competencies

Date: 1994

Persons:Sheldon Berman, Superintendent of Schools, Hudson, MA

Patricia Caesar, President and CEO, Caesar Consulting Group

Maurice Elias, Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University

Daniel Goleman, CASEL co-founder, author of Emotional Intelligence

Mark T. Greenberg, Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development, Penn State University

Eileen R. Growald, Venture Philanthropist

Norris M. Haynes, Professor of Counseling and School Psychology, Southern Connecticut State University

Janice Jackson, Assistant Professor, Lynch School of Education, Boston College

Linda Lantieri, Director, Inner Resilience Program

Beverly Benson Long, Immediate Past President, World Federation for Mental Health

JoAnn B. Manning, Vice President of Program Implementation, Platform Learning

Mary Utne O’Brien, Research Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Illinois at Chicago

Janet Patti, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Hunter College

Terry Pickeral, Executive Director, National Center for Learning and Citizenship, Education Commission of the States

Timothy P. Shriver, Chair, Special Olympics

David J. Sluyter, Senior Advisor, Fetzer Institute

Herbert J. Walberg, Professor Emeritus, Education and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago

Roger P. Weissberg, Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Illinois at Chicago

Joseph E. Zins, Professor, College of Education, University of Cincinnati


Reform: CASEL (Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional Learning) is formed in 1994. The researchers met together to develop a framework that promoted anti-drug use, positive behaviors, healthy choices and school-community relationships to name a few. CASEL is designed to assist public schools in providing students with social emotinal learning while aligning with school programs (History. (n.d.), para.3)

Why?: Researchers were concerned for the lack of social emotional learning happening in public schools. They felt the programs currently being provided were ineffective and lacked alignment (History. (n.d.). para.2).

Synapse, Six Seconds, and EQ at the 2010 Living EQ Conference

Date: 1997

Persons: Karen McCown, Anabel Jensen, Joshua Freedman and Marsha Rideout

Reform: According to "Six Seconds’ education programs are enhanced by a transformational learning approach, scientifically validated EQ measures for youth adults, and school climate, several curricula targeted to Six Seconds EQ competencies, and a growing lessons database" (n.d., para.1).

Why?: Jensen and McCown are able to create a solidfied social emotional learning curriculum that certifies teachers, counselors, principals, and staff. It provides an opportunity for growing emotional intelligence or EQ for all involved in the program. (History of Social Emotional Learning and Six Seconds EQ. (n.d.), para 1).

No Child Left Behind Overview: Definitions, Requirements, Criticisms, and More - Education Week

Date: 2002

Person: George W. Bush

Reform: The No Child Left Behind Act is the updated version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. However, through this act, more pressure has been placed on public United States schools for students to academically perform at a higher standard. Thus, causing a lessened focus on social emotional learning. (Klein, 2015, para. 7).

Why?: NCLB put a stronger focus on minority populations in schools and their performance, such as special education, English Language Learners and low socioeconomic students. States were not required to follow the act; nevertheless, if they did not, losing Title 1 money for instructional materials, social emotional learning programs, and staff development, may ensue.

Emotion in Education: An Interview with Maurice Elias

Date: 2010

Person: Maurice Elias

Reform: Maurice Elias is a Psychology professor at Rutgers University. He is also the Director of the Social Emotional Learning lab at Rutgers. Elias is an internationally acclaimed speaker addressing social and emotional learning and character education with parents, teachers and administrators. He also has authored many books relating to social emotional learning (Maurice Elias, 2008, para. 2).

Why?: Maurice Elias helped create CASEL and continues to promote social emotional learning. Currently, he is developing an online credentialing program for Direct Instruction of Social-Emotional and Character Development programs in classroom, small group, and after school settings, and programs for a School-Focused Coordination of Social-Emotional and Character Development and School Culture and Climate (Maurice Elias, 2008, para. 3)


Comer School Development Program. (2015).Yale School of Medicine.Retrieved from

Elementary and Secondary Education Act of1965. (2017, October 09). Retrieved from

Emotion in Education: An Interview withMaurice Elias (2007,December, 1). [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gavrielides , T. (2016). ThePsychology of Restorative Justice . Retrieved from

Framework for Systemic Social andEmotional Learning. [Digital image] Retrieved from

Freedman, J. (2010, October, 16). Synapse, Six Seconds, and EQ at the 2010 Living EQ Conference [Video file]. Retrieved from

History. (2016). Retrieved from

History. (n.d.). Retrievedfrom

History of Social EmotionalLearning and Six Seconds EQ. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Karen StoneMcCown MA. [Digital image]. Retrieved from

Klein, A. (2015). No ChildLeft Behind (NCLB). SpringerReference, 34(27).doi:10.1007/springerreference_70038

Lyndon B.Johnson at the ESEA signing ceremony, with his childhood schoolteacher Ms. KateDeadrich Loney. (2017, October 09). [Digital image]. Retrieved from

Maurice J. Elias. (2008).Retrieved from

President George W. Bush signs the NoChild Left Behind Act at Hamilton High School in Hamilton, Ohio. (2002, Jan.8). Education Week [Digital image] Retrieved from

Plato . (2017, September 18). [Digital image].Retrieved from

Roger P. Weissberg. (2017). The Board ofTrustees of the University of Illinois.Retrieved from

Social and Emotional Learning: A ShortHistory. (2011). Edutopia. Retrieved from

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)Expert Roger Weissberg on Academics and Character Education. (2012, April, 9). Edutopia. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Social Emotional Learning Standards. TheConover Company [Digital image]. Retrieved from

The Brain Waves Video Anthology. (2014,October, 1). James P. Comer - Comer school development program [Videofile]. Retrieved from

William T. Grant Foundation. [Digitalimage]. Retrieved from