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Rosa Parks timeline | Sutori

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Rosa Parks timeline

Rosa Parks was born in 1913 February 4th in AL.

Rosa Parks married Raymond parks on December 18 1932.

In 1943 Rosa Parks made her first incident on a segregated bus

Rosa Parks and her husband Raymond Parks joined the NAACP in 1943-1956

Rosa Parks started the bus boycot in December 1st 1955 to December 20 1956

In December 1st 1955 Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat for a white male and was arrested "As far back as I knew there was something wrong with our way of life when people could be mistreated because of skin color". 1956 "My only concern was getting home after a hard days work". 1957

Rosa Parks was hired as a representative for John Conyers in 1965

The NAACP awarded Rosa Parks the spingarn medal in 1979

Rosa Parks my story autobiography was published in 1992

"The only tiered i was, was tiered of giving up"

Rosa parks my story 1992

Rosa Parks was attacked at her apartment by Joseph Skipper a drug addicted in August 30th 1994

In September 9th 1996 Bill Clinton awarded Rosa Parks the presidential medal of freedom

Rosa Parks files lawsuit against Outkast and LaFace records in March 1999

In 2005 October 24th Rosa Parks passes away :( (2005 is when i was born)

In october the 28th 2005 the House of Representatives allows her body to lie in the U.S capitol Rotunda