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Qatar History | Sutori

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Qatar History

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

In sha allah this timeline of all the major events within Qatar's History will be helpful for anyone who uses it. Feel free to edit and add more details

- Written and compiled by Maheen Ayaz

425 - 484 BC

Hereodotus said Canaanites were first to Settle in Qatar

100 AD - 170 AD

Katara appeared in old map

630 AD

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sent Al-Alaa Al-Hadrami to Bahrain inviting them to Islam

632 - 661 AD

Qatar was a part of the reign of the Khulafaa Ar-rashideen as well as the Umayyads who prepared a naval fleet under the leadership of Al-Alaa Al-Hadrami


Al Ahsa region was reigned by Al Moghamis till the Portuguese invaded

Mid 16th Century

Ottomans kicked out the Portuguese


Ottomans leave the Al Hassa region as they were attacked by Bani Khalid


Al Utub Clans move to Al Zubarah


Beginning of Political alliance between Ibn Saud and Ibn Abd Al Wahab


3 Major Clans: Aal Khalifa, Aal Jalahima, Aal Sabah moved to Kuwait from Al Hasa


Beginning of the 1st Saudi States by Muhammad bin Saud.


Aal Khalifa and Aal Jalahaim move from Kuwait to Al Zubarah in the North of Qatar + Abd Al Aziz bin Saud takes over Rule in 1st Saudi State


Aal Khalifa Moves from Al Zubarah to Bahrain


Sulayman bin Ufaysan the Emir of Kharj attacked Qatar


Ibrahim bin Ufaysan controlled several cities in Qatar


Saud bin Abdulaziz takes over the 1st Saudi State


Ottoman Campaign against Saudis started


Abdullah bin Saud took over 1st Saudi State


Abdullah bin Saud is executed in Istanbul, marking the end of the 1st Saudi State.


Turki bin Abdullah Al Saud assumes power over Saudi, and gradually regains power. Marking the beginning of the 2nd Saudi State