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Period 5 1844-1877 | Sutori

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Period 5 1844-1877

Lizzy Murphy

Gold 4

America in the World

Webster- Ashburton treaty 1842

  • By the 1840's Canada was still under British rule and Americans wanted to annex Maine which cause conflict with Britain
  • Open fighting between America and the British in Canada began
  • America saw the British as a threat
  • The Webster-Ashburton Treaty was created by Daniel Webster and it split Maine in half giving half to America and ending the dispute

Annexation of Texas 1845

  • America was still pushing for further expansion into the western territories
  • White farmers and enslaved blacks outnumbered the Mexican population in Texas
  • These American settlers in Mexico did not obey the Mexican laws of, no slavery and converting to Catholicism
  • By 1845 Texas was annexed by Mexico

Boundary disputes with Oregon 1846

  • Oregon was stretched all the way to the border of Alaska and was split between Spain, Russia, Great Britain, and the United States
  • Farmers who moved to Oregon had such success that it caused other Americans migrate to Oregon on the Oregon Trail
  • The Election of 1844 made Americans want to obtain all of Oregon
  • The slogan "Fifty-four or Fight" was the democrat James Polk's slogan of this election which meant America wanted to expand their border
  • Polk had to back down from that slogan once he won his presidency because he could not go into war with Britain and Mexico
  • He settled for the bottom half of Oregon and divided it on the 49th parallel
  • This pushed greater conflict between the northern and southern states of America because the fight of the new territories being free or slave

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

  • Further American expansion into Texas led to conflict with Mexico
  • Once president Polk took office in 1845 he sent John Slidell and his military to Mexico to settle disputes
  • The goal was to persuade Mexico to sell them California and territories of New Mexico and also they wanted to settle the Mexico-Texas boarder dispute
  • Polk and Slidell were trying to compromise the Texas border to be Rio Grand and while they waited for Mexico's response they sent Zachary Tyler and his military down to the Rio Grand
  • After many American's died in battle by the Rio Grand, Polk took that as a cause to go to war
  • After winning battles all throughout Mexico, America won the war which resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • This treaty recognized the Rio Grand as Mexico's southern border and the US gained Mexico's territories in California and New Mexico for $15 million  
This primary source shows the change due to the compromise of 1850 with the fugitive slave act

Compromise of 1850

  • This new plan was used to accompsih five things
  • Pay of Mexico for the land they annexed from them
  • The territory that was annexed was to decalre if they were going to be free or slave states
  • Ban the slavery in Washington D.C.
  • Add Califorina as a free state
  • Begin a new fugative slave act
  • This was all done due to America being expansionist in the world, but they created conflict from within due to slavery

Foreign commerce 1850-1854

  • the growth of manufactured goods caused an increase in exports and imports into America
  • improvement in ship designs aided the 1849 gold rush and they also impacted the storage capacity on these boats
  • The Kanagawa Treaty with Japan which allowed US ships to enter Japanese ports to take coal
This primary source shows the men at war in this time of trouble and pain in America

Civil war (1861- 1865)

  • The civil war was caused by the disputes over slavery and states rights
  • once the southern states began to succeed from the union, the union leaders saw this as a threat so they waged war on the confederates
  • This time period was primarily caused by the growing tension between the northern and southern states who had opposite views on many political things
  • This was a period of isolation, not by choice but by force. Americans had to fix the problems from within during this time period so they were not on the world scale
  • After the Northern states one, slavery was banned by 1868 by the 14th amendment
  • This gave the northerners a chance to industrialize further  and help grow the economy, while the southern states stayed with farming as their main priority

Panic of 1873

  • A global depression brought by industrial capitalism
  • Overspeculation by financiers and industry caused massive panic and business failure
  • The failure in American business took America out of the global spectrum which led to further disaster
  • There was little money in circulation so President Grant leaded on hard-money bankers and creditors


What land did America receive from the Webster- Asburton Treaty?

  • Oregon
  • California
  • Maine
  • New Mexico


Which country did not own parts of Oregon

  • Spain
  • Japan
  • Russia
  • Britian

APUSH prompt: To what extent did America impact the world internationally between 1844-1877 and to what extent did it stay the same.