- I began as an English teacher at SCS in 2013.
- In 2015, I became the Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction for the high school. Prior to this time, professional development was minimal and inconsistent. In fact, this position did not exist prior to 2015.
- In my role, in addition to observing teachers, I also developed plans for their professional growth and began to institute a culture of professional learning.
PBL Timeline
Project based learning is student-centered authentic learning that invites inquiry, critical thinking, and collaboration. The high school at Southlands Christian is ready to move in this direction! Project based learning does require a paradigm shift and fundamental changes in the way we teach. The vision statement of the school expresses the belief that all students learn to higher levels and develop their critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills. Project based learning will become part of our road map to making our vision a reality.

Direct instruction was the predominant mode of delivery. For the most part, teachers would deliver content to the students in a presentation style, assign homework for students to practice at home, and then build up to the unit test, which often was a multiple choice test.

Formative assessment was the topic for professional development. It was a brand new concept for most teachers.
What are the 3 big ideas of a PLC? Choose all that apply.
- Happiness
- Collaboration
- All students learn
- Results driven
This was the first year we began to reorganize our curriculum around common formative assessments and track the results.
In order to ensure that all students learn, we implemented tier 2 of RTI. We coined it SOAR: Students Obtaining Awesome Results. Our mascot is an eagle.
Looking at the data from common formative assessments and at survey results, the picture of where we were headed was becoming clear. Students and teachers reported wanting more opportunities for active hands-on learning that has real world application and meaning.
[2018-2019: Our Present]
- Group instruction is still the predominant mode of instruction
- Teachers are the ones who ask the questions
- Teachers are checking for understanding throughout the lesson
- Students are using technology to show their understanding
- Students work on group projects in the English, Science, Social Science, and English Language departments
- Teachers are increasingly using alternative assessments
- Teachers chose a service learning project for the SMART Goal this year
Next Steps
Project Based Learning is the best practice we are looking to implement and it will require a paradigm shift.
- PBL is student-centered and it calls on the students to take ownership of the learning. Right now, some classes are more student-centered and others more teacher-centric. Teachers are the ones driving the learning and students participate.
- PBL is highly collaborative. Group work does occur fairly often but the mechanisms for accountability need to be more clearly outlined, enforced, and strengthened.
- Right now students are consumers of knowledge. With PBL, they will become creators, inventors, and agents of change.
- Classroom management will look and feel different. There will be controlled "chaos". Classrooms will be noisier, but with student talk and due to student engagement. Right now, our teachers are used to calm, orderly class structures.