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Ottoman Empire Technology | Sutori

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The Ottoman Empire Technology

Ottoman Empire Technology

By Ryan Aridin and Swara Kadam

Technology Timeline


1299- The Ottoman Empire starts in Northern Anatolia

A bit before 1453- Orban begins to create 'Basilica', a cannon that was 27 feet in length, carried by a team of 60 oxen, a barrel 30 inches in diameter, bronze walls that were 8 inches thick, and a crew of 400 men for Sultan Mehmet II.


1453- Using several of these mega- cannons created by Orban and many small ones to fortify them, the Ottomans break down the walls of Constantinople.


1513/ 1528- Muhiddin Pīrī Reīs, one of the famous Ottoman geographers completed a world map in 1513. He was interested in cartography. (study and practice of making maps)The map was drawn in two parts on gazelle hide, and only the western part is preserved. It was drawn based on both his work, and European maps.

 In 1528, he presented a second world map to Suleyman the Magnificent of which only the western hemisphere survives. It newly discovered regions of Northern and Central America, the Tropic of Cancer, and bears a closer resemblance to modern day maps.


1551-Taqi ad-Din, an author and polymath (Person of wide ranged knowledge) in the Ottoman empire, wrote a book on the steam powered engine. He also invented the first mechanical and accurate clock that showed hours, minutes, and seconds, with each minute divided into five seconds.

16th century- Taqi-ad-Din invents many observational instruments, one of them being the sextant, (mushabbaha bi-'l manātiq) which is used to measure the distance between stars.


1632- Hezarfen Ahmed Celebi was the first aviator (Pilot) to have successful flight with wings.


1633- Lagari Hasan Celebi was Hezarfen's brother and was the first to make a successful rocket flight, by launching himself to 300 feet, and landing softly with two wings attached like parachutes.


1858- The Universal Suez Ship Canal is formed. It connects the Mediterranean and the Red Seas. The Ottomans receive permission to construct and operate the canal for 99 years, after which the Egyptian Government took control.


1860's- Germany seeks economic ties with Ottoman Empire as a way to develop new markets to consign (transport or export) German industrial goods. The Berlin- Baghdad Railway is the centerpiece of this as the Ottomans, who never had a strong railway system, marveled at this new wonder and the Germans got safe passage.

1922- The Ottoman Empire Dissolves in World War 1


2018- Technology in the Ottoman Empire influences us today. For example, Taqi-ad-Din's book on steam engines later lead to the discovery of the early steam- turbine engine. Ottomans were also highly skilled cartographers, well known for their maps, which many people used. Even though these maps weren't completely accurate, they do closely resemble modern day maps. The Ottoman Empire is still very influential in our modern technology, from our maps to our military weaponry.

Let's see what you've learned...


  • Aviator: Pilot
  • Polymath: a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning.
  • Cartography: study and practice of making maps.
  • Sextant: An instrument used to measure the distance between stars.
  • Consign: Transport or export.


Who was Lagari Hasan Celebi?

  • Hezarfen Celebi's cousin
  • Hezarfen Celebi's brother
  • Hezarfen's friend


Match the time periods with the correct events.



-Ottoman Empire

- Sultan Mehmet II approaches Constantinople.

-Ottoman Super Cannon

-The Suez Canal

-Ottoman Empire (Banner)

-Berlin- Baghdad Railway

-Piri Reis' first world map




