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NAACP Timeline | Sutori

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NAACP Timeline

The National Association for Advanced Colored People peacefully protested the equality for colored individuals in America.

Abigail Wolfe and Jake Siebenlist

In 1909 a group of African American and white men and women founded the NAACP. Originally when the NAACP was founded by W.E.B. Du Bois, it was called the National Negro Committee.

In 1911, the NAACP own official monthly news publication for their own magazine was created. This magazine would feature events and issues that arose to African Americans throughout the United States.

In 1913, the NAACP held a public protest after President Wooddrow Wilson announced segregation in the federal government.

On July 28, 1917, the NAACP put together the biggest civil rights protest in the United States of America's history. The NAACP was there protesting the Jim Crow laws which lead to the lynching and attacks against African Americans.

In 1930, the NAACP protested the election of John Parker as Supreme Court Judge who favored laws discriminating blacks.