The picture portrays a group of protesters called the Hartford Convention Blue-Lights in 1844 who are against the idea of the annexation of Texas.
The Mexican American war started in 1846 and ended in 1848. The war was between Mexico and America fighting over a single border. The war began because, Texas declared independence in 1836 and became its own country. The US then annexed Texas in 1845. This caused major problems with Mexico.
The picture portrays a group of protesters called the Hartford Convention Blue-Lights in 1844 who are against the idea of the annexation of Texas.
This map displays slave states, free states, slave territories, and free territories. The annexation of Texas caused slavery issues because Texas was a slave state and a majority of the US were free states.
Manifest dynasty is the idea of expanding America from cost to cost. This picture depicts that the idea was sent from God and it was America's destiny to expand from "sea to shining sea." This partially caused the Mexican American war because, it caused boarder disputes.
After obtaining the land from Mexico that was almost twice the size of America, issues with slavery came into play. Slave owners wanted the land to be slave territory. Anti-slavery northerners wanted it to be free territory. The compromise stated that California would be welcomed into the union as a free state and Utah and New Mexico would be slave territory. This also included the Fugitive Slave Law. Wilmot Proviso established a law banning slavery in land acquired by Mexico.
At the time James K. Polk was president when General Zachary Taylor was sent to Texas to secure the newly acquired state. Tensions rose between the Us and Mexico, so president Polk sent Taylor to the Rio Grande area to establish a base and secure the boarder from Mexico. The Mexican American war soon began.
The Mexican American war resulted in the United states acquiring a large batch of land that was previously owned by Mexico. After obtaining the large peice of land, disputes concerning slavery came to be.