Nationalism:- the belief that one's greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but rather to a nation of people who share a common culture and history.
Italian and German Unification

After the Congress of Vienna(1815), the land of Italy was still divided.
- Austria ruled the Italian provinces of Venetia and Lombardy.
- The spanish Bourbon family ruled the Kingdom of the Two Sicilles
Pope controlled the Papal States(under French protection since 1848)

Italy Leaders of Unification: One of them is Giuseppe Mazzini. He was the heart of the italian unification.
- Formed a nationalist group known as Young Italy in 1832.
- He called for an end to foreign rule and he found a way to unify all of Italy. He found a common interest of the italian people and that was their language and culture. He unified the Italian people and they created a nationalist movement that was called the Risorgimento[meaning "resurgence"].
- 1848- rebels failed and former rulers of Italian states drove Mazzini and other nationalist leaders into exile.

Italy Leaders of Unification: The second leader of the unification group is Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour. He was the brain of the unification.
- Prime minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia.
- Used diplomacy and alliances to increase Piedmont-Sardinia power
- Unifies North Italy.

Italy Leaders of Unification: The last leader is Giuseppe Garibaldi. He was the Brawn of the unification
- Leader of the Red Shirts[Italian nationalist group].
- In 1860, on the island of Sicily, Garibaldi led the Red shirts to victory against foreign troops in the Battle of Calatafimi.
- Would unify South Italy and merge with North Italy[under pressure].

Italian Unification-1859
- Italian nationalist leader Cavour made a proposal to France that they should help them drive Austria out of the northern provinces of Lombardy and Venetia.
- Spring of 1859, Cavour provoked a war with Austria. According to the agreement, the French army backed up the Sardinian and swept the Austrians. Two major victories at Magenta(June 4, 1859) and Solferino(June 24, 1859).
- The combined allies drove Austria out of Lombardia but failed to drive them out of Venetia. France was given savoy and Nice in agreement to the deal.
- Victory over Austria awoke nationalist feelings among the states of Central Italy.
- A plebiscite was held in 1860 determined the incorporation into the Kingdom of Sardinia of the states of Parma, Modena and Tuscany.
- Cavour was helping nationalist rebels in southern Italy but never made it public and he wouldn't send the Piedmontese army.

Victor Emmanuel II was born March 14, 1820, Piedmont, Kingdom of Sardinia.
- March 1861, a parliament of all of Italy except Rome and Venetia, agreed on unifying Italy with Victor Emmanuel II as its first king.
- Turin was the first capital of this unified Italy, 1861.
- Three months later Cavour died and his last words were "Italy is made. All is safe".
- Italian unity had at last been obtained more by diplomacy and astute timing than by military greatness unlike other revolutions.
Italy and Germany

Germany Unification
Following the Congress of Vienna, 39 German States formed the German Confederation. Austria and Prussia dominated the Confederation.

Germany Leaders of Unification
- Otto Von Bismarck
- King Wilhelm I (King of Prussia)

Wars were fought to unify Germany.
- Alliance between Prussia and austria.
- War against Denmark to gain control Schleswig and Holstein.
- 1866: Seven Weeks War- An allied force of Italy and Prussia go to war with Austria and humiliated Austria.
- 1870-1871: The Franco-Prussian War- Bismarck felt he could win the support of Southerners if they faced a threat from outside: a war with France would rally the South. So he made a fake document of King Wilhelm insulting the French. Reacting to the insult, France declared war on Prussia on July 19, 1870.
- The Prussian army poured into northern France, and in September, they surrounded the main French force in Sedan.They took 80,000 French prisoners (even Napoleon III)
- The Franco-Prussian War was the final stage in German unification. Now Bismarck also seized people in southern Germany. They finally accepted Prussian leadership.

- Over a six-year period, Bismarck created a united Germany. He made skillful use of diplomacy and warfare to accomplish this task.
- January 18, 1871 , Wilhelm I is crowned Kaiser (Emperor) at the Palace of Versailles