Violated Rights
Chinese authorities were always looking for those who challenged traditional beliefs. However, when a group under the leadership of Hong Xiuquan, took China by storm the Chinese authorities couldn't do much.
Listed below are around 6 instances from atlantic revolutions of humans resisting colonization and how they fought for their freedom and rights. We will looking at different questions about how Imperialism was resisted like: What were people fighting for (that is, what right was being violated), where was this occurring, who was the aggressor and who was the victim, and were the efforts to resist successful and how do you know that?
Violated Rights
Chinese authorities were always looking for those who challenged traditional beliefs. However, when a group under the leadership of Hong Xiuquan, took China by storm the Chinese authorities couldn't do much.
Place of occurence.
The Taiping rebellion occurred in China from 1850 -1864
Aggressor and Victim
The aggressor was the Qing government under the influence of the British and the victims were the peasants who were damaged by the foreigners let into the country by the Qing rulers.
Efforts of resistance
The efforts were not successful, partly due to the fact that the Taiping is a rebellion and the fact that the Qing still ruled after the French British helped put down the rebellion. Due to the Taipings following being so large and powerful, their resistance could be counted as a successful one.
Rights Violated
The new rifle cartridges that the Indian soldiers were required to use had a cover that needed to be removed. The cover was rumored to be greased with pork and beef and since the soldiers were either Muslim or Hindu eating one or the other was strictly against their religion. The soldiers felt their religion was being violated which is the reason they started the rebellion.
Place of Occurence
The Sepoy rebellion took place in India from 1857 - 1858
The Aggressor and the Victim
The aggressors were the British who were forcing the victims, the poor sepoys to go against their religion and use these rifle cartridges.
Efforts of Resistence
The efforts were not successful because the British responded with violence, killing the soldiers, and then also putting a stronger control over the government under the control of the British Raj.
Aggressors and Victims
The British Empire was the aggressor and the Boer states were the victims.
Efforts of Resistance
Surprisingly, the First Anglo-Boer War was successful, (thought to be partly due to the Guerrilla tactics of the Boers) granting the South African republic independence.
Violated Rights
The war was fought over the British ignorance of previously set up laws, and the inflated taxes that came as a result of this ignorance, which greatly harmed the Boers.
Place of Occurence
This occurred in the South African Republic, around South Africa.
Rights Violated
After the US took over the Archipelago and other territories they got from the Spanish - American War, the Philippines fought to get the territory back. The Philippines were fighting for the right to govern their own country.
Place of Occurence
The Philippine War of Independence took place in the Philippines from 1898 - 1902
Aggressors and Victims
Spain was the aggressor and Filipinos were the victim. Filipinos fell victim to the Americans. The Spanish government ceded the Philippines to the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Paris.
Efforts of Resistance
Philippines declared Independence from Spain in 1899.
Although being one of the bloodiest and most violent wars, the Filipinos finally got to declare independence.
Violated Rights
The Boxer rebellion was fighting because of their need to want the foreigners out of their country and were experiencing xenophobia.
Place of Occurrence
The Boxer rebellion took place in northern China from 1899 - 1901.
Aggressors and Victims
Chinese Christians who were against the spread of the influence of westerners fell victim to them, the westerners were also known as Boxers. The aggressor was the foreigners in China and the victims were the people of China.