I used the online correspondence appointments mainly because of how convenient they sounded. I loved the idea of being able to have somebody’s comments available for me to use when I was ready to, instead of feeling rushed with an appointment. The way that these correspondence appointments work is you make an appointment online with a “writing mentor” of your choice, and submit your work with the assignment sheet. You also describe what you are looking for help or advice on, and include any other relevant information. The writing mentor then goes in to your document at the scheduled time and leaves comments, suggestions, and ideas for improving and polishing your draft. This is awesome service especially for final drafts, because they leave comments similar to advice that a professor would leave, but you have the chance to revise your mistakes before you are penalized for them. The writing mentor also can point out small mistakes like a misspelled or extra word that you might have just glanced over when you were rereading your work.
How You Can Become a Better Writer in Writing 102
Have you ever just got stuck while writing and not known what to do? The Writing Center is an awesome resource for this class. They offer three types of appointments, a face-to-face, or an online correspondence option. It is a free resource that I found extremely beneficial this year. Because college students schedules can get so hectic, face-to-face appointments can be hard to schedule time for. This always held me back from going to the writing center, so when I heard about the online appointments I was very excited. They focus on helping with every step of the writing process, and you can pick who you want your appointment to be with so you can get that important feedback from a fresh perspective. This tool is free to students, and you can go to as many appointments as you want. This helped me to not make small mistakes and to get help whenever I got stuck on something. Looking back on this semester, I think that the Writing Center was the most helpful resource for me. Even if you are confident that you are the best writer in the world, it never can hurt you to just get a second opinion!
Online Correspondence Appointments

Did you know?
This is some of the feedback that I received during my correspondence appointment for my research paper this semester. I found his feedback very helpful, especially because he pointed out mistakes that I had not noticed (like the spacing errors whoops). He also gave me starting points and suggestions for developing my ideas which was helpful because I was stuck and needed help with that. Because of this help I felt much better about my final draft and that it accomplished what we were supposed to. It helped with confidence as well as keeping my ideas on the right track and being clear! Tip: I feel like it is helpful to submit your work when it is a little under the word count (like a rough draft) so you will get more ideas of what you need to add!
The Live Chat appointment on the Ole Miss Writing Center website is very helpful to a students writing process. The Live Chat feature is important because it can help you at anytime of the writing process. The Live Chat feature also helps students with busy schedules revise and edit their papers. The Live Chat gives student the opportunity to ask questions, brainstorm, or discuss ideas with a writing mentor. The student schedules the time most convenient to their schedule and it can be done almost anywhere. I liked using the Live Chat because I get to have a one on one conversation from the comfort of wherever I want to be. I also loved how convenient it was to pick a time that worked with my schedule. The person that helped me, Riley, really gave a lot of feedback to my paper. I used the analysis paper we wrote and used the Live Chat for thesis revisions. My writing mentor left me with advice and revisions to my paper and my thesis. Also, my writing mentor pointed out small mistakes, such as, grammar and word placement.

Did you know?
This is some feedback I got from the Live Chat. I found it very useful to use the Live Chat because I could do it when I wanted to and where I wanted to do it. I used the Live Chat feature to get revisions on my thesis from my analysis paper. The writing mentor told me to move my thesis from the middle to the end of my introduction paragraph, which helped me with the revision of this paper. The writing mentor that I had was very helpful and really understood what I was looking for, I think the Live Chat can be helpful for simple revisions or to help work on planning or starting your essay. The Writing Center really helped me become more confident in my writing. The Writing Center is as helpful as you make it! I know I will definitely use it again!
The Face to Face appointments feature of the Writing Center is very helpful to many students. For the Face to Face appointments, you go online at the Writing Center website and schedule an appointment. The Face to Face appointments take place on the third floor of Lamar Hall. You can stop at the Writing Center for a quick minute or the full hour. The Face to Face appointments are for all steps of the writing process. I think the Face to Face appointments are good because you are getting feedback from a person right in front of you. I think Ole Miss has done a great job making sure students have opportunities and resources to excel in their writing.

Did you know?
The picture above are the hours of The Writing Center for the spring semester. The hours are there for students to schedule times within these hours for appointments. I have never used the Face to Face appointment, but I have many friends that have. Everyone that has used the Face to Face appointments have said it was beneficial to their writing process. My friends said they have liked the connivence of going in and siting down with someone to talk about their work. I have also heard that the mentors that work in the writing center are very nice and judgement free. I think that the Face to Face appointments are a great way to get feed back from a person right in front of you. The Face to Face appointment is helpful for every student, not just students in Writing 102. I think The Writing Center does a great job with making sure all students are taken care of in their writing process.

The Writing Center can be an awesome tool to help you with any writing, especially for this class. We write all different kinds of essays including some that you might not be all that familiar with! The Writing Center can help with all these different types of essays and all steps of the writing process. They offer three different types of appointments to help students become better writers in an effort to be as convenient for the user as possible. The Writing Center is an extremely helpful resource that betters every student in the writing process. From brainstorming to the final work, there is somebody who can give you advice and help keep you on the right track. This was so helpful to me this semester and I really think that it helped improve my writing skills, and I hope that it does for you too!