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How the revolution began | Sutori

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How the revolution began

This is on how the revolutionary war began, by giving you a timeline on how everything led up to it.

Proclamation of 1793

                     On October the 7th, The Proclamation of 1763 was passed by the king at the end of the French and Indian war, what it did for the colonist was that they could not go west of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonist did not like the rule that was passed by the king and decided to move west of the mountains and ignored British laws. As they moved west, the British was against what the colonist were doing. So as an result, the British sent troops over to keep the colonist from going any where ahead of the mountains..

The Sugar Act

On April 5, 1764 The parliament passed a new act which was called the sugar act. What it did was give tax on imported goods, ecspecially sugar, The colonist did not like it because they thought that it was going to take reduce their profit and believed that this act was violating their rights and that it was not represented in the parliament when the colonist signed it. And since they decided that they could do what ever they want to they decided to smuggle in goods and as soon as the british found out they arrested the caught smugglers and repealed the act.

Did you know?

Did you know the sugar act was a modified version of the "molasses act" which was in 1733 and that you can find molasses in your local grocery store?

The Stamp Act

    On March 22, 1765, the British government  put a tax on goods and for that tax they would put a stamp. Of course the colonist did not want a tax on things because they thought it was ¨violating their rights¨ So with their reactions they boycotted and protested and it went world wide. The more the protest the more the people stopped buying things. As a result, the British repealed that tax on things and replaced it with something else..

The Quartering Act

   On  March 24, 1765  The British Parliament passes the Quartering act, what it did was to force colonist to keep redcoat soldiers in their homes or barns in their back yards since the British government could not afford to get camps for the soldiers, so basically the colonist had to cook for more people, wash their clothes, clean their weapons, take care of their horses, just basically take them in as your child. As an reaction of from the colonist, they protested in an angry manner.

The Declaratory act

On March 18,  1766 the Declaratory act was passed and it was saying on the paper that the colonist got sent that the British had full control over the colonist, The colonist reactions were negative. They were mad saying that it violated their rights which it did, and they came to the "new world" for a reason, to have their freedoms and to have equal rights and that set many stages further into the trouble between the British and the colonist.

The Townshend Acts

On June 19, 1767 the British parliament passed a new law which became the Townshend acts what it did was it put more taxes on the colonist including putting tax on paper, lead,glass, paint and tea and other things the colonist did it like it and yet again thought that it was taking away or messing with their three natural rights, They reacted by boycotting or refusing to buy goods. By then, the government repealed the law and replaced it with another law.

Boston Massacre

  On March 5th, 1770  was a deadly riot that occurred on king street in Boston also known as the Boston Massacre it was between a lot of colonist and only a few redcoat soldiers, Since all of the acts and stuff were going on and were repealed in the past, there were a lot of problems between the colonist and the British soldiers Except the Loyalist and the British soldiers, those were the people who were loyal to the British, and the king who made the laws that were ¨violating" the colonist´s rights it was a fights between some colonist, a few shop owners, etc, and about 5 British redcoat soldiers.What started it was the shot ´round the world, which is the unknown shot that caused the massacre. When the shot fired the massacre started only one person died an African American man named Crispus Attucks.

Did you know?

Did you know that Paul Revere made this propaganda with more people dying other than just one African American man because he knew if he drew that one black man nobody would care?

Boston Tea party

   On December 16, 1773 the government put a major tax on tea and the tax made the tea very expensive. This happened by the colonist buying one tea over and over again, and since the other tea companies were not getting any money, their business stopped existing and since that specific tea company was left the British decided to just put a major tax on it and when the colonist wanted some tea, they would not be able to buy any tea except the one that the British put a tax on. The colonist decided to destroy all of the tea dressed as Native Americans to make them look bad and to make the British get mad at the Indians instead of them.

Did you know?

Did you know that the Intolerable acts were laws passed by the Government right after the Boston tea party and it strengthened the royal government?

The Intolerable Acts