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History of the Atom Project | Sutori

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History of the Atom Project

Time Line of Scientists.

Democritus (460 B.C)

  • (460 B.C., 370 B.C.)
  • Known as the " Father of Modern Science"
  • Credited with the idea that everything is composed of atoms which are physically, but not geometrically indivisable that between atoms lies empty spaces; atoms are indestructible and always will be; they are always in motion.
  • Born in Abdera, Greece (lived in)
  • Lived until he was 90 years old!

John Dalton (1803)

John Dalton (1803- 1805)

Born September 6, 1766

Died July 27, 1844

Born in Eaglesfield, Cumberland

Died in Manchester, England

The information he contributed to the development of the atom is that elements are made up of atoms, atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. He also contributed that atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties.

Another fact about John Dalton is that Dalton published papers on such diverse topics as rain and dew and the origin of springs (hydrosphere); on heat, the color of the sky, steam, and the reflection and refraction of light.

Dmitri Mendeleeve (1869)

Dmitri Mendeleev (1869)
  • Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was a Russian chemist and inventor. He formulated the Periodic Law, created a farsighted version of the periodic table of elements.
  • February 8, 1834, Russia
  • February 2, 1907, Russia
  • Saint Petersburg University

E. GoldStein (1886)

E. Goldstein (1886)
  • Gold stein contributed greatly to the study of cathode rays. He discovered protons with the experiments he did with cathode rays which would knock electrons of atoms and attract them to a positively charged electrode.
  • 5 September 1850 through 25 December 1930 was a German physicist. He was an early investigator of discharge tubes, the discoverer of anode rays, and is sometimes credited with the discovery of the proton.
  • An anode ray is a beam of positive ions that is created by certain types of gas discharge tubes.
  • Born: September 5, 1850, PO
  • Died: December 25, 1930, Germany

Marie Curie (1896)

Marie Curie (1898)
  • Born-November 7, 1867, Warsaw,PO
  • Died-July 4, 1934, SW
  • Discovered Radium and Polonium
  • Marie's sister, Bronia, became a doctor something unheard of for women then.
  • Marie's husband, Pierre, was a scientist too

J.J Thomson (1897)

J.J. Thomson (1897)

J.J. Thomson discovered the electron by experimenting with a Crookes, or cathode ray, tube.

Born December 18, 1856 in Cheetham Hill, Manchester, United Kingdom

Died August 30, 1940 in Cambridge, United Kingdom

Known for the plum putting model

Thomson eventually married one of his students.

Planck (1900)

Max Planck (1918)
  • awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for creating the Quantum Theory
  • Born: April 23, 1858 in Kiel, Germany
  • Died: October 4, 1947 in Göttingen, Germany
  • Lived in Kiel, Germany for most of his life
  • one of Einstein's earliest supporters