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History Of Mapping | Sutori

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History Of Mapping

This is a time line explaining the evolution of different inventors, explores, tools and maps.


Babylonian Map

Babylonian Map: 2300 B.C.

This Babylonian map, which is the first known map, represents someone's property.

Stick Maps

Stick Maps: 1000 BCE

This was a map that sailors used to go from one place to another.


Cross-Staff: 1300 BCE

This was a tool used to figure out what latitude they were at.  The main flaw with this tool is that you had to look directly at the sun which blinded some people.

Hecataeus World Map

Hecataeus Map: 500 BCE

This was the map made by the Greece.  these maps did not have a scale. they measured the distance using the time it took to get there like for example 10 days of marching.


Eratosthenes: 276 BC - 194 BC

Eratosthenes was a very influential person of his time. He was the first person to calculate the size of the earth accurately.


Astrolabe: 200 BC

The Astrolabe was a metal disk with a pointer that can be used to figure out your latitude.


Ptolemy: 90 - 168

Ptolemy's contributions towards maps was enormous. He did a lot of things like coin the term geography, create an ATLAS, create scale and even invent projections.  

Ptolemy's Map

Ptolemy's Map: 130 ACE

130 ACE was  Ptolemy's Map was reviled.  His map has some improvements such as a scale but he also had some weird ideas like how there were angles that blow on the earth to make wind. Another flaw was the fact that his map stated that the earth was only 18K miles around.  

Leif Erickson

Leif Erickson: 970 - 1020

He might be the first European to travel to America but he was deffinetly here before columbos.


Compass: 1100/1200

The compass was invented by the Chinese and then later by the Europeans. This is a fool proof tool that has a needle that always points towards the  magnetic north.

Zheng He

Zheng He: 1371 - 1433

Zheng He was a Chinese explorer that travelled to America.

T-O Maps

T-O Maps: 1050 - 1450

The T-O Map was a popular middle ages (400-1450 ACE) map because Jerusalem was at the centre of the map. this is significant as Jerusalem is an important place for a lot of religions and in the middle ages, everyone was very religious.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus: 1451 - 1506

Columbus was the person who put America on the map. Even though he didn't discover it he got credit for it.

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan: 1420 - 1521

Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the world(at least his crew was).

Francisco Pizarro

Francisco Pizarro: 1476 - 1541

He was a conquistador that captured the Incas.

Hernán Cortés

Hernán Cortés: 1485 - 1547

Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador. He won Mexico for Spain but in the process killed a lot of Aztec and by a lot I mean all.

Gerardus Mercator

Gerardus Mercator: 1512 - 1594

He created the Mercator projection.  

Mercator Projection (early)

Mercator Projection: 1569

This was made by Gerardus Mercator. This map is still used to this day by Google and other map makers.


Sextant: 1757

Sextants can measure up to 60 degrees. It is still used to this day in ships to find their location.