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Henry Knox | Sutori

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Henry Knox

Henry Knox was born on July 25, 1750 in Boston. He was the seventh of Mary and William Knox's ten children. In 1774 he married Lucy Flucker and in 1775 they moved to Boston due to the battle of Lexington and Concord. He had 13 children only 3 survived birth. Knox died on December 25, 1806 but his contributions to the Revolution will last forever.

Escaping To Cambridge

Portrait of Lucy Flucker Knox

Shortly before the battle of Bunker Hill in 1775, Henry and his wife Lucy Flucker escaped to Cambridge after their wedding. Lucy's friends claimed her to be "ruined" for marrying someone who was a part of the rebellion. They had concealed a sword within the folds of Lucy's dress for protection during their escape. He avidly participated in the Bunker Hill, which soon attracted the attention of General George Washington.

Becoming Chief Artillery Officer of Continental Army

In 1775, George Washington recognized Knox's potential and made him chief artillery officer, otherwise known as military officer, of the Continental Army. Henry's brilliance is what lead to the removal of captured artillery at Fort Ticonderoga later on. Knox managed to successfully command artillery at Trenton, Monmouth, as well as Yorktown. He also helped in improving the structure of the Continental Army, organizing it in his own clever way.


Why do you think Washington had such great trust in Henry Knox?


Henry Knox is most famous for delivering 55 captured British cannons from Fort Ticonderoga in New York to Boston Massachusetts in 1775. Which was a total of 62 tons of artillery transported on sleds pulled by oxen. Just 300 miles in the dead of winter would decide if the British would evacuate Boston. This was accomplished by a team of more than 100 men. His actions lead to the first American victory, when they pushed Britain out of Boston during the siege of Boston.

Fun Fact about Cannon delivery:

- Resulted in a close friendship between Knox and      Washington.

Delaware River Crossing

Primary Source: Washington's letter of commands to Henry Knox

On Christmas day Washington gave command to cross the Delaware River. Along with Washington, Henry Knox was a part of a coordinated surprise attack on the British. Knox wrote a letter to his wife during the crossing. He said “the night was cold and stormy and it hailed with great violence”. With Knox leading, the army split into two. They trapped British mercenaries also known as Hessians. This eventually led to Britain’s loss of control of New jersey and also caused them to lose a major part of their army. This battle was considered the most important battle of the war.

Did you know?

Fun Facts about the Delaware River crossing:

  1. Spies and Deserters warned the British about a possible attack on Trenton.
  2. Washington used ferries and cargo boats to transport men across the river.
  3. The plan was almost cancelled because they were greatly behind schedule.

Letter written by Henry Knox discussing the treacherous winter conditions during the crossing, sent to his wife, Lucy.

Becoming a Major General

After the victory in Yorktown in 1781, the British surrendered and Knox was promoted to major general by Washington. The siege of Yorktown would have never been a success if it weren't for his artillery. He remained chief of artillery for the remainder of the war.

Did you know?

Knox's parents were pioneers from Ireland. After the death of Knox's father, he dropped out of school to become a clerk at a bookstore to support his mother. Eventually he opened his own book store.