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GERMANY | Sutori

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Germany population clock

Germany population as of (3/29/2022): 82,562,353

Births per day: 989

Deaths per day: 1,267

Migration per day: 503

Population growth per day: -277

Population estimates based on data from World Population Prospects

Government & Education

  • The Federal Republic of Germany is structured as a federal state and parliamentary democracy. This means that all government offices of power are voted for by the  people to elected officials into  their offices for a certain period of time.
  • “The authority of state is subdivided into legislative powers (the legislative), executive powers (the executive) and the powers responsible for the administration of justice (the judiciary).”
  • The federal president is the senior one in charge over the country while the Bundestag president is basically the Vice President/second in command if something were to happen to the federal president the Bundestag president would be next in line.

  • The German education system is ran and regulated by the basic laws or otherwise known as Grundgesetz. The federal ministry of education, cultural affair, and science is the control of most policy guidelines and administrative rules.
  • The ministry work together with the federation and Länders (states) to look over the educational institutions.
  • However, the Länders a hug portion of education policies and rules are decided at the state level.

  • Public schools are free; however, they are covered by taxes.
  • Private schools do charge fees. This costs around $15,000-20,000 per school year.
  • Homeschool is not an option.

What does Germany's school day look like?

  • School runs from August 1- July 31
  • School starts around 8 and goes until 1
  • Teacher move from room to room
  • 45 minute lessons
  • School Monday-Friday
  • All student from the age of six-fifteen have to be in school

  • First step: Attain a bachelor's or master's in education or German.
  • Teachers will need background in both teaching and German.
  • Most states require teachers to pass an exam that test proficiency and knowledge in the German language.

Current Event

The 16 German federal states has decided that it will longer be required to wear a mask to school as of April first. Regular testing for children in school will be phased out in May. As of right now there are hoping to return to normal; however, it policies should change if it get worse.