Chinese men in Nanjing and elsewhere are sought out and removed from the city to be systematically tortured and executed for even being suspected of being a soldier. In reality, Chaing Kai-shek ordered the removal of all troops in the city, leaving it defenseless, and the only people who remained were women, children, and any able-bodied male who could fight in a militia (though the majority of them were untrained) ("Nanjing Massacre"). Thousands of women who weren't raped and killed travel with the Japanese soldiers to be used as "comfort women", otherwise known as sex slaves. Any women who were pregnant were given botched abortions or had their babies killed upon birth, and women who became unruly, contracted a venereal disease, or deemed "useless" were brutally mutilated and killed before being unceremoniously tossed into the sea ("Rape and Abuse of Chinese..."). All other Chinese who didn't fall into these groups were terrorized as soldiers rampaged through the countryside.