Once again, we return to the year 1871, when the expedition into Quahadis land began. The United States' government was so frustrated by the tribe halting their advances, that they enlisted an army of time-servers to go deal with them.
As they would quickly learn, this was a very bad idea.
After getting lost in the unimaginably harsh land that the Quahadis occupied, the army found themselves being tracked, stalked, and watched by their warriors. While they had no clue where their enemy was hiding, the Comanche knew precisely where they were.
On the second night of their journey, the army was attacked, not just by Comanche, but by their own horses. Using their skill with handling the animals, Quanah, the current chief, set them loose into the camps, mutilating all who got in their way. Once the chaos died down, Quanah himself appeared, dressed in clothing one witness described as "satanic". He shot a private to death, and led his men away without another word.
The message was quite clear: do not encroach on the Quahadis' land.
And the army never succeeded. Nobody could make them surrender except for themselves, which they finally did in 1875, 4 years later, due to a lack of food. They allowed themselves to be moved onto a large reservation.