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Civil War Timeline | Sutori

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Civil War Timeline

timeline of the civil war

Invention of Eli Whitney's cotton gin (1793)

it allows for faster cotton separation. this caused more productivity requiring less slave

Abolition of the slave trade in the United States(1808)

in 1808 the u.s. banned the disconnected from the slave trade. this banned people from importing slaves into new states

The American Colonization society is founded (1816)

they wanted to free all slaves and export them back to Africa. This would cause the slaves to fear about not having family and make the north enraged

The Missouri Compromise (1820)

agreement that Missouri is a slave state and anything below the Missouri line is a slave state. both parties agreed on this but it was a compromise so no one was really happy with it

Underground Railroad (1831)

founded to help slaves get free and go to the north. this caused southern slave owners to get upset and angry at the north.

Nat turners Rebellion (1831)

Nat Turner's Rebellion, also known as the Southampton Insurrection, was a rebellion of enslaved Virginians Led by Nat Turner, the rebels killed between 55 and 65 people. this caused people to fear a slave uprising so they enforced ore slave laws

Founding of the American Anti-Slavery Society (1833)

an abolitionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan to free captured slaves. this upset the south because more people would be trying to free their slaves

Texas Revolution (1835-1836)

a rebellion of colonist that caused Texas to be an independent country from mexico. shortly after Texas tried to become apart of the u.s. and the u.s. was unsure about this for 9 years

Pinckney resolution or "Gag Rule"(1836)

In May of 1836 the House passed a resolution that automatically postponed action on all petitions including slavery. this caused the southern congressmen to grow concerned about the rising opposition to slavery

John C Calhoun's "positive good" speech(1837)

he talks about slavery being a positive good for america

Formation of the America Party "know Nothings"(1844)

Texas Annexation (1844-1845)

Texas becomes apart of the United states. this caused the free states to fear that slavery would run up the u.s

The willmot Proviso (1846)

the proposal to prohibit slavery in the territory acquired by mexico. this was denied for fear of the south going to war

Mexican American War(1846-1848)

Mexico and america go to war over the border of Texas. this caused Texas to become larger and slavery to go farther north

Formation of the free soil Party(1848)

this party was formed to focus on opposing the expansion of slavery westward. it had an unlikely presidential candidate

Compromise of 1850(1850)

admits California as a free state but allows new territories to choose if they want to be free. both sides agreed to this compromise

Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle toms cabin(1852)

its a bestselling antislavery novel used to shed the light on slaves lives before the civil war

Bleeding Kansas

Kansas-Nebraska act

Caning of Charles Sumner