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Chinese Dynasty | Sutori

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Chinese Dynasty

A timeline for all of the Chinese dynasty's


Shang Dynasty

  1. It's time on ruling was from 1500 BC to 1760 BC
  2. They developed a writing system
  3. Their writing system had about 2000 characters ours has 26!
  4. Sometimes the Shang dynasty is sometimes called the Yin dynasty
  5. They had oracal shells to do the mandate of heaven

This is the oracle bones that they used to do the mandate to heavan


  1. Wuwang was the founder of the Zhou dynasty
  2. There where a lot of war in that time period
  3. The eastern dynasty was divided into spring and autumn periods  
  4. In 221 BC is when Qin
  5. The dynasty was split into two periods the western and the eastern

Their emperor


  1. Their first emperor was Shi Huangdi.
  2. It was very important even for only lasting 15 years
  3. Qin gave the country strength by giving a army
  4. QIn made a coin with a hole in it for convince
  5.  The great wall of China was built.


1. There where 24 emperors on the throne in this period

2.  This period was a period of peace

3. The dynasty lasted from 206 BC to 220 AD

4. Buddhism was introduced

5. There was a time of peace


  1. There were 3 emperors in the dynasty
  2. It only lasted for 38 years
  3. They expanded the great wall of China by a lot
  4. Their emperor Yang lived a very bad life
  5. Yang was killed by his lower power  


  1. The dynasty was referred to as the golden age
  2. All of the arts were amazing
  3. The last Tang emperor was forced to resign
  4. It was the most popular dynasty
  5. Zhu Quanzhong was the new emperor


  1. Their dynasty was started by their general Zhao Kuang-yin.
  2. He was put on the throne by his army
  3. He kept the army taking over a empire called Chu
  4. They also liked to take over other empires
  5. China also became a world leader