Around this time of era the Cahokia people began to find a place and settle this was during woodland period, and they started it in Mississippi and they started to do mound building. The mounds were later named after the Cahokia tribe.
By Shaylianna
Around this time of era the Cahokia people began to find a place and settle this was during woodland period, and they started it in Mississippi and they started to do mound building. The mounds were later named after the Cahokia tribe.
The "Golden Age" of Cahokia during this time there may have been up to 20,000 people living here. They built as many as five "Woodhenges". These calender's, made with posts of sacred red ceder, lined up with the rising sun at certain times of the year.
The last building is erected on the summit of Monks Mound (Mound 38, the largest man made earthen mound on the North America continent. Monks Mound is the only mound with more than two terraces throughout much of eastern North America.
First of four two mile long palisade walls built around central Cahokia. The palisade had a circumference of nearly two miles and enclosed the prominent public spaces of Monks Mound, the 40 acre Grand Plaze and 17 other mounds. Evenly spaced guard towers indicate that one of the functions of the palisade was defensive in nature.
population starts to decline during the century but the Cahokia continues a major ceremonial center.
Cahokia is gradually abandoned by the late 1300's
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