This was Bud Light's first air ad showing people would rather have Budlight. The phrase "Dilly , Dilly" went viral.
Bud Light : "Dilly Dilly "
Bud light used an insprired Game of Thrones medival times theme to advertise their brand and what Budlight means to people. The ad launched its commercial August 2017 on TV screens and continued by creating a triology of ads with people cheering and saying "dilly dilly".
"The Banquet"
Bud lights catchy phrase went viral due to the repetition of their ads all saying the same words. The ad was created because of the new Game of Thrones season that was going to air soon. However , when the ad was first tested it didn't go well, but said consumers would get it and went through with the commercial.
What Does Dilly Dilly Mean?
Andy Goeler, VP of Bud Light, said. "The phrase has taken on a life and a meaning of its own, thanks to fans of the commercials -- and we're more than happy to just be along for the ride."

Budlight was interactive with their comments on Twitter and were seen congratulating football teams if they won. In February , they created 7 more commercials , but this time using Budnight who is seen saving the king and town people. The townpeople yell "Dilly , Dilly when he saves them.

They marketed differently on each social media platform and created this fantasy world for people to be a part of . Budlight uses this technique creating story lines that all end with the phrase Dilly , Dilly even if people aren't drinking their brand.
Their marketing strategy was to be repetive with the pharase in every commercial because it would implement to mind of the viewer. "I think that one of the proofs of success, nowadays, from a cultural standpoint, is when you go to Amazon and you don't do anything, there are people already selling t-shirts." , Chief Marketing Officer of AB InBev Miguel Patricio. Research showed that Bud light sales didn't increase by much. In fact, even though the phrase went viral it didn't make people go out and buy Budlight as they hoped.
Why do you think their sales to increase as they expected?
What do you think of the commercials?