This is Mercury! Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. it is small, and has a rocky, crater surface. It is also the closest planet to the sun, but it's not the hottest planet.
This lesson is to teach students about the many planets in our solar system! Below are images of all the planets in our amazing solar system with a description of each planet!
This is Mercury! Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. it is small, and has a rocky, crater surface. It is also the closest planet to the sun, but it's not the hottest planet.
This planet is Venus! Venus is the second closest planet to the sun but unlike Mercury, Venus is the hottest planet. Venus is a very active planet. It has volcanos and mountains on its surface!
This planet may look the most familiar, its Earth! This planet is our lovely home. It has mountains, valleys, canyons, and plains. Earth is one of the most special planets because it is made of 70% of water!
This planet is Mars! Mars is a cold planet whose surface is kind of like the desert. Mars has volcanoes, canyons, and seasons just like Earth.
This is Jupiter! Jupiter is the biggest planet in our whole solar system! It is covered in swirling cloud stripes, and it is a gas-giant because it doesn't have a solid surface.
This is Saturn! Saturn is most known for the beautiful rings around it. These rings are made out of chunks of ice and rock. Saturn is similar to Jupiter as they are both made of mostly gas. Saturn has 7 rings around it with big spaces in between them.
This planet is Uranus! Uranus is mostly made of water and gas around a rocky center. Uranus has a gas called methane which is what causes it to be blue! Unlike other planets, Uranus rotates on its side!
This is Neptune! Neptune is the coldest out of all the planets and is the last one in our solar system. Neptune is very similar to Uranus as they both are made out of a thick fog/ gas and they both have methane which causes them to be blue.