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5 Themes of Geography of Paris,France | Sutori

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5 Themes of Geography of Paris,France

The five Themes of geography are  location,physical  and cultural,characteristics,Region,HEI,Movement. Each of the places have there own definition. For example location has two types of locations.Each characteristics is how the place looks.Region is the way the place is with people,HEI mean show the people affect the environment,Movement is the way people move fro place to place.


Location -Paris,France

The two types of location are absolute and relative .Absolute location means the exact location of the place.Relative location means that a place can have many locations. Paris France is between Italy and France and it's surrounded by the Atlantic ocean.


There are two types of  places.Physical characteristics means the way the place looks. Some physical characteristics of Paris,France are the Eiffel tower,Rhine river, Cultural  characteristics means  the beliefs and action that define a group of ways of life. Some cultural characteristic for Paris,France is that they  are influenced by Celtic(celt-ic) and Romanian (Ro-ma-ni-an) cultures.


Region means  and group of places that have at least one characteristics in common.They can be physical,climate,Directional location,cultural,and political. Some region of Paris,France is  70 miles south of Orleans.

Human-Environment Interaction

Human environment interaction i show people affect the environment it can be positively and negatively .The people in France help the environment by growing crops,recycle. Also they have many coastlines allowing  both fishing and trading opportunities. They use perfect land for farming.


Movement means the way people,goods move from place to place.They use cars,trucks,ships,trains plains.In Paris,France  they get there goods by road transportation.They  have 2 billion goods  transported to them every year. Paris France gets most of there goods from European Union  and Germany is there #1 customer and supplier.