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WWl Timeline | Sutori

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WWl Timeline

List 2 underlying causes of WWI from not so recent History



Map of pre-WWl Europe

Alliance system and how it contributed to WWI

-The alliance system was made up of two groups, the Central powers (Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy).The second group was the Allied powers (Russia, France, Great Britain, and United states).The alliance system is when  countries join forces or worked together to achieve a certain goal.

-Once Germany declared war then all of the other countries allied with Germany  also declared war.

-These alliances were caused by the distrust of one another.

The political cartoon depicts one of the four main causes of WWI

Spark to the Powder Keg

-On June 28, 1914, the archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were fired twice in their car by Gavrilo Princip. This event is called the Assassination in Sarajevo.

-On July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia.

Characterize the Western Front of WWI

-a stalemate

-The largest battles of the war were fought along the Western Front.

-Most of the Western Front’s 700 kilometer length traversed the north-east of France, with its ends in Belgium and southern Germany.

-At least four million were killed there.

-Mud-filled trenches, artillery bombardments, appalling tactical blunders, futile charges on enemy positions, periods of stalemate, high death rates and atrocious conditions.

-These characteristics were the causes of Western Front to become the main field of fighting in World War I.

New Weapons of WWI

-Tanks-designed to move across no man's land.

-Poison gas-blinded or choked its victims or caused agonizing burns and blisters.


Poison gas

Unrestricted submarine warfare that got the attention of the U.S.

-In 1915, Germany declared that it would sink all ships carrying goods to Britain.

-In May 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the British liner Lusitania off the coast of Ireland.

-British was allied with the U.S. and that event got the attention of the U.S.

-It was caused by blockades.


-March 2, 1916

-"The draft", which required all young men to be ready for military or other service.

-It caused governments to raise taxes and to borrow huge amounts of money to pay the costs of war.

Political cartoon showing that you had to do something.


-It is the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause.

-In France and Germany, it urged civilians to loan money to the government.

-It played up the brutality of Germany's invasion of Belgium.

Did you know?

An explosion on the battlefield in France was heard in England.

Events surrounding the U.S. Entry to the war


-unilateralism versus foreign alliances

-the responsibilities of power

-the influence of the military-industrial complex on foreign policy

-the use of force to accomplish idealistic goals.

-All of these events led to U.S. entry into WWl

Woodrow Wilson’s plan at end of WWI

-January 8, 1918

-He issued a list of terms for resolving this and future wars, called the Fourteen Points.

-He called for freedom of the seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, and an end to secret treaties.

-It was caused because the U.S. declared war.



-agreement to end fighting.

-It caused the end of the Great War

Conditions that angered Germans at end of WWI


-The German populace believed that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair.

-The treaty limited the size of its military.

-They lost Alsace and Lorraine provinces.

-They had to leave their homes.

-These problems caused Germans to be angered at the end of WWl.

League of Nations

- Jan 10, 1920

-More than 40 nations joined it and agreed to negotiate disputes.

-The U.S. did not joined the League and that weakened the League's power.

-It could not prevent war.

March Revolution


-It was caused because the bond between the tsar and most of the Russian people had been broken.

-It caused the tsar to abdicate.