List 2 underlying causes of WWI from not so recent History
List 2 underlying causes of WWI from not so recent History
Map of pre-WWl Europe
Alliance system and how it contributed to WWI
-The alliance system was made up of two groups, the Central powers (Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy).The second group was the Allied powers (Russia, France, Great Britain, and United states).The alliance system is when countries join forces or worked together to achieve a certain goal.
-Once Germany declared war then all of the other countries allied with Germany also declared war.
-These alliances were caused by the distrust of one another.
The political cartoon depicts one of the four main causes of WWI
Spark to the Powder Keg
-On June 28, 1914, the archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were fired twice in their car by Gavrilo Princip. This event is called the Assassination in Sarajevo.
-On July 28, 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia.
Characterize the Western Front of WWI
-a stalemate
-The largest battles of the war were fought along the Western Front.
-Most of the Western Front’s 700 kilometer length traversed the north-east of France, with its ends in Belgium and southern Germany.
-At least four million were killed there.
-Mud-filled trenches, artillery bombardments, appalling tactical blunders, futile charges on enemy positions, periods of stalemate, high death rates and atrocious conditions.
-These characteristics were the causes of Western Front to become the main field of fighting in World War I.
New Weapons of WWI
-Tanks-designed to move across no man's land.
-Poison gas-blinded or choked its victims or caused agonizing burns and blisters.
Poison gas
Unrestricted submarine warfare that got the attention of the U.S.
-In 1915, Germany declared that it would sink all ships carrying goods to Britain.
-In May 1915, a German submarine torpedoed the British liner Lusitania off the coast of Ireland.
-British was allied with the U.S. and that event got the attention of the U.S.
-It was caused by blockades.
-March 2, 1916
-"The draft", which required all young men to be ready for military or other service.
-It caused governments to raise taxes and to borrow huge amounts of money to pay the costs of war.
Political cartoon showing that you had to do something.
-It is the spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause.
-In France and Germany, it urged civilians to loan money to the government.
-It played up the brutality of Germany's invasion of Belgium.
An explosion on the battlefield in France was heard in England.
Events surrounding the U.S. Entry to the war
-unilateralism versus foreign alliances
-the responsibilities of power
-the influence of the military-industrial complex on foreign policy
-the use of force to accomplish idealistic goals.
-All of these events led to U.S. entry into WWl
Woodrow Wilson’s plan at end of WWI
-January 8, 1918
-He issued a list of terms for resolving this and future wars, called the Fourteen Points.
-He called for freedom of the seas, free trade, large-scale reductions of arms, and an end to secret treaties.
-It was caused because the U.S. declared war.
-agreement to end fighting.
-It caused the end of the Great War
Conditions that angered Germans at end of WWI
-The German populace believed that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair.
-The treaty limited the size of its military.
-They lost Alsace and Lorraine provinces.
-They had to leave their homes.
-These problems caused Germans to be angered at the end of WWl.
League of Nations
- Jan 10, 1920
-More than 40 nations joined it and agreed to negotiate disputes.
-The U.S. did not joined the League and that weakened the League's power.
-It could not prevent war.
March Revolution
-It was caused because the bond between the tsar and most of the Russian people had been broken.
-It caused the tsar to abdicate.