Summary- During the Chēng-Yüan, there was a man named Chang. He had never been with/ attracted to a woman. Chang then had to take lodging in a temple where Ts’ui Ying-Ying stayed. Chang fell in love with her and wrote a poem to tell her. At first, she rejected him, but she eventually fell for him too. Chang had to leave to go to the capital but when he came back he spent time with Ts'ui. He eventually would have to leave again and chose not to tell her, but she found out. She then broke it off with him. Years later they both got remarried to other people. They never saw each other again, but they wrote letters to each other and poems about each other.
The Story of Ts’ui Ying-Ying
by Yuan Chen
by: Bella Russell, Brooke Giddens, Bryanna Zemlock, Jocy Galvan

Ancient Chinese Poetry
What was in the box Chang gave Ying Ying?
- A new silk robe
- Garlands and 5 sticks of paste
- Numerous love poems
- Hair pins he picked up on his travels

What did Chang dream or imagine?
- a wizard
- a fairy
- Ying Ying
- a princess

Did you know?
In China the dragon is a symbol of good luck, power, and strength. The dragon was often the symbol of the Emperor.
The tone of the story is sorrowful. I believe it is sorrowful because they are sorrowful when they are separated, and their love does not last forever, as they hoped it would. They grow old, and ugly.