![<div data-mobiledoc='{"version":"0.3.1","atoms":[],"cards":[],"markups":[],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Downey, D. (n.d.). [Dr. Philip Zimbardo]. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=sZ9NLJ15&id=1244C1B8D90F6B460FB525BC2E9F2C0DFD6F0EB2&thid=OIP.sZ9NLJ159J4gRm2NUj8bkgEsD2&q=dr. philip g zimbard&simid=608021964884476498&selectedIndex=9&ajaxhist=0"]]]]}'><div><p>Downey, D. (n.d.). [Dr. Philip Zimbardo]. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=sZ9NLJ15&id=1244C1B8D90F6B460FB525BC2E9F2C0DFD6F0EB2&thid=OIP.sZ9NLJ159J4gRm2NUj8bkgEsD2&q=dr. philip g zimbard&simid=608021964884476498&selectedIndex=9&ajaxhist=0</p></div></div>](https://assets.sutori.com/user-uploads/image/498735b5-ced2-4a7f-9918-4fac61b88c13/52d96c1510a60cc009b581507d8f6515.jpeg)
Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo
"How we went about testing these questions and what we found may astound you. Our planned two-week investigation into the psychology of prison life had to be ended after only six days because of what the situation was doing to the college students who participated. In only a few days, our guards became sadistic and our prisoners became depressed and showed signs of extreme stress. Please read the story of what happened and what it tells us about the nature of human nature."
~Professor Philip G Zimbardo
Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo
Classified Ad for volunteers to participate in the study.
Volunteers are completing test to determine qualifications. Over 70 applicants applied but candidates with psychological problems, medical disabilities, or drug and alcohol problems were eliminated. 24 male participants were selected, 12 being guards, 12 being prisoners. Two were identified as reserves.
Day 1 - August 14, 1971
Guards receive orientation and are told to maintain the law.
Day 2 - August 15, 1971
Day 3 - August 15, 1971
Day 4 - August 16, 2017
Day 5 - August 17, 1971
Day 6 - August 18, 1971
Day 7 - August 19, 1971
Day 8 - August 20, 1971