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The Downfall of CZAR Nicholas II | Sutori

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The Downfall of CZAR Nicholas II

Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05

The Russo-Japanese War developed out of the rivalry between Russia and Japan for dominance in Korea and Manchuria. Increasing internal political unrest throughout Russia, where the war had never been popular, brought the Russian government to the peace table.

Bloody Sunday, 1905

On January 22, 1905, a group of workers marched to the Czar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to make demands. Imperial forces opened fire on the demonstrators, killing and wounding hundreds. This caused lots of rioting and strikes all over the country because of the outrageous action.

Duma, 1906

Elected legislative body that, along with the State Council, constituted the imperial Russian legislature. After a while, the Czar didn't like the idea of losing any power so he disbanded them.

World War 1, 1914-17

Russia was dragged into WW1 by Czar Nicholas's choice to "play war". Russia wasn't advanced in technology so the only advantage they had was their man power. They lost a lot of young and middle aged men.

Allows Rasputin Power

Rasputin quickly gained the confidence of the royal family by seemingly "curing" the "prince" of hemophilia. The Czares put lots of trust in him and he became her most trusted advisor. He also gave government offices to friends.

March Revolution, 1917

Citywide strikes, riots started because of lack of bread and fuel. Nearly 200,000 workers screamed to down with the war and the autocracy.

Abdication 1917

This was the process of after when the Czar had to abdicate his throne. The Duma leaders formed a provisional government/ temporary government. Everyone became very agitated and soviets were formed as local councils consisting of workers.

Thesis Statement:

Czar Nicholas II's involvement with the Russo-Japanese War, World War One, and allowance of Rasputin to get power lead to his downfall.

Answering Thesis Statement:

The Russo-Japanese War lead to his downfall because the war wasn't needed, and Russia lost most of the battles. It was this War which also helped them leave WWI early because their war strategies have been shown, as well as their weakness. Rasputin influence to power made people revolt because he was uneducated, and unworthy of the position he was place in. He also had no idea what to do in the office, and invited his friends who had no rights or idea what to do in their positions. In conclusion the Russo-Japanese War, WWI, and the allowance of Rasputin led to Czar Nicholas II's downfall because they gave the people reasons to revolt, and helped Russia loss wars and their people's belief in Nicholas.