"No, this is your wife pleading, your sniveling, envious wife! This is Rebecca's voice, Martha Corey's voice. You were no hypocrite!"
"I will prove you for the fraud you are!"
"And if they ask you why Abigail would ever do so murderous a deed, what will you tell them?"
"I will tell them why?"
"What will you tell? You will confess to fornication? In the court?"
"If you woll have it so, so I will tell it!"
John Proctor meets Abigail in the woods at night to confront her and stop her from keeping up with the act. She shows him the marks and bruises on her body, allegedly from those who have sent their spirits out to harm her. However, John does not buy it. He urges her to clear Elizabeth's name or else he will prove that she is lying. However, she does not back down, claiming him to be a hypocrite for turning against her.