1300s- The Songhai Empire had become rich and powerful, which was enough to draw the attention of Mali’s rulers.
1300s- The Songhai Empire had become rich and powerful, which was enough to draw the attention of Mali’s rulers.
1468- In 1468, rulers of Mali asked Sunni Ali to help fight off the Tuareg invaders who were about to capture Timbuktu, and Ali agreed on one condition. He would get to keep the city for himself.
1464- Sunni Ali became the ruler of Songhai. He strengthened and enlarged the empire.
1473- Sunni Ali captured Djenné after attacking it in 1468.
1492- Sunni Ali died and Sunni Baru became to the next king. Sunni Baru was the son of Sunni Ali and he was not a Muslim. People rebelled against Sunni Baru and the leader of the rebellion was Muhammad Ture. Muhammad Ture overthrown Sunni Baru. After he overthrown Sunni Baru, he took the title Askia, the title of high military rank.
Early 1500s- A Muslim traveler and scholar called Leo Africanus wrote about Timbuktu.
1524- Askia the Great made a pilgrimage to Mecca, the hajj, 200 years after Mansa Musa did in 1324.
1528- Askia the Great lost power to his son. Other askias ruled Songhai. Areas along the empire’s borders nibbled away at Songhai’s power.
1591- In 1591, the Moroccan army set out for the heart of Songhai. The Moroccan troops were Spanish and Portuguese war prisoners. They had decided to attack Songhai instead of staying in prison. In the attack, they carried various weapons, including deadly new guns and some small cannons. This is when the Songhai Empire fell.