This was my first semester. I studied Bull Frogs at the Cincinnati Nature Center in FOI. The Cincinnati Nature Center is in the Watershed of the Little Miami River and would be a great place to meet people who are interested in cleaning up and protecting the river. I am very active there and will very likely volunteer there once I have graduated from this program.
Little Miami River Conservation
I hope to learn more about the Little Miami River watershed and want to educate the people in my community of Loveland on the importance of conserving the river and its many ecosystems as a means to lead to a change in their behavior to best protect and preserve the river.
Summer Semester 2017
Fall Semester 2017
I took AIP & CSC
I took these classes before I developed my ideas for my Master Plan. The research in these classes will have very little contribution to my master plan. However, they did help me learn how to better research a project. AIP helped me become more familiar with observational based research projects.
Spring Semester 2018
I Took BAT, IBD, & Barrows 1
During the spring semester, I started my research on the Little Miami River and my community of Loveland. This semester was very valuable because it helped me realize what I would like to do for my master plan.
- For BAT I developed a website on (Little Miami River Keep it Scenic)
The website has a focus on protecting the Little Miami River and enjoying the many beautiful ecosystems within its watershed. It is educational in nature, but it is largely designed as a blog. The first of two blogs on the website is a place for me to post any pictures of trash and pollution and their location around the Little Miami River watershed. By posting the trash and pollution, I am able to spread awareness of any pollution issues to the viewers and will hopefully encourage people to go out and help me clean it up. The blog has a comments section where people can comment and post any of their own pollution pictures.
The second blog is my place to post pictures of the many beautiful areas around the river to share how beautiful the Little Miami River can be. I want to inspire and encourage people to protect and preserve the river. This blog also has a comments section for any interested viewers.
I also provided links to environmental organizations with a goal to protect the Little Miami River. In addition, I provided links to fun activities along the river such as canoe liveries and breweries.
Here is the link to my website
2. I began communicating with environmental organisations around Loveland.
The Little Miami Conservancy.
They are very active in river cleanups and sponsor river clean up days in which volunteers can take part in cleaning up the river. I plan to participate in their next river clean up and I want to eventually host my own.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)
They support conservation and environmental protection throughout Ohio. I want to participate in their water quality monitoring program this summer/fall.
3. For IBD, I researched pollution issues for the Little Miami and Great Miami Rivers and wrote a synthesis paper. This paper helped me learn a lot about the river and helped me focus my future research ideas.

This picture is one of the many pictures on my river blog website. It was a cloudy winter day, but it still showcases the beauty of the river
Summer Semester 2018
I am taking MPA
This semester, I hope to continue my communication with the Little Miami Conservancy and with ODNR.
I also plan to contact the city of Loveland, specifically the utilities department and parks and trails.
- Parks and trails maintain many of the green spaces that my target audience utilizes. If I can get in contact with them, I feel that I will have a better chance to connect with my audience.
- Loveland Utilities works with water and storm water and they could be a very great resource when attempting to preserve the Little Miami River’s water quality.
- In late July I met with the Little Miami Conservancy in Loveland. I discussed with them my goals for the program and potential projects with them. I have been asked to help them study dissolved oxygen in the River. The details of this project are still being worked out, but I should be officially starting this project in the fall.
I also want to create a Facebook page about protecting the Little Miami River in and around Loveland. I haven't started it yet, but once created, it will be a great place to connect with other Loveland residence and be a great place to advertise my blog website.

This image from my website is an example of the trash that is commonly found in and around the river.
Fall Semester 2018
This fall, I am taking Issues in Evolution (IEV) and Plants and People (P&P). I am really hoping to learn a lot from P&P so that I can incorporate the vegetation in and around the river into my river restoration studies and projects. I am still figuring out what exactly I want to focus on in these classes, but I am considering creating a survey for one of the classes to see how much the public knows about their role in the ecosystem health of the river. I will also continue to develop my relationship with the Little Miami Conservancy and ODNR this semester. I will implement my dissolved oxygen motioning project this semester.
Spring Semester 2019
I plan on continuing with my water quality monitoring project of the Little Miami River this semester. This could be a big part of my MPW. I am still not completely sure what my publication will entail, but I want to incorporate my own research on water quality into it.
I will be taking LSI, PMW, and Barrows 2
For LSI, I would like to implement a citizen science project, if possible with my community. During this project I would implement and run river cleanups and encourage any participants to make their own efforts in cleaning up the river. I also want to contact Green Umbrella and look into their Water Action Team. I have yet to contact them so I am unsure of what work they are interested in, but LSI could be a great opportunity to work with them.
Summer Semester 2019
I will be taking ICC and an independent study.
I am not sure what study I would like to do, but I would love to work with the Little Miami Conservancy for my study. My work with them up to this point will hopefully help me work with them this semester.