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George Washington Presidency | Sutori

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George Washington Presidency

George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. He was in presidency from 1789 to 1797. Washington played a crucial part in his role as president.  


George Washington established the precedents for the executive office. Ever since he initiated the precedents, it became standard practice.

  • The first precedent he established was that he should be introduced as "Mr. President".
  • He began to build his presidential cabinet(cabinet meaning advisors to the president). They help the president develop and execute government policies regarding certain issues.
  • Two-term policy- presidents can only serve for two terms.

by Aaron Burden (

Washington's administration & "The unwritten constitution"

Washington's administration included Thomas Jefferson as secretary of state and Henry Knox as secretary of war and most important Alexander Hamilton as secretary of treasury.

“The unwritten constitution” means there are political practices which are not written into the constitution by law yet are considered standard features of our government. They developed overtime in tradition. The development of political parties is an example of something in the unwritten constitution.

Whisky Rebellion

He suppressed the whisky rebellion in 1794. Federal law needed to be carried out in came into form as the whisky rebellion, this was a direct challenge to the new government. Washington personally led a group of soldiers to put an end to the rebellion and in doing so he sent a clear message that the federal government’s laws were going to be enforced.

Farewell address

Before washington left office he wrote the farewell address to offer advice to the young nation going forward, he said we should always remain neutral in foreign affairs, be careful with the political parties.

3 events during his presidency:

Washington signed the first copyright law. He did signed this law on May 31, 1790. Formally titled, “An act for the encouragement of learning by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,” the legislation was the first law protecting copyright in the United States.

by Art Lasovsky (

The first Thanksgiving Proclamation was issued by President Washington. Thanksgiving was celebrated since the beginning of European settlement. In 1789, President George Washington formalized the holiday by issuing a proclamation designating November 26 as a national day of Thanksgiving.