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Copy of Prisoner B-3087 | Sutori

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Copy of Prisoner B-3087

Gratz Gruener

Timeline of the prisoner of prisoner b-3087

Prisoner B-3087 by Gratz Gruener

What was the scariest moment for Yanek during his journey through the Holocaust camps?

Did you know?

Did you know that over 1.1 million children died in the Holocaust?

On an early morning the director ordered 7,000 Jews to be deported from Krakow ghetto.

Did you know?

"Between 1944-1945 Nazi's established about 20,000 concentration camps for Jews.

This is an image of Jews getting lined up to be shipped off.

Yanek had his Bar Mitzvah in the pigeon coop.

Yanek found out his uncle was at the same camp as him. This is where he got a job cleaning up the ghetto for the Nazi's to make sure nothing valuable was left. He discovered thousands of zloty in the seams of clothes his mother left behind.

These are statues that the Jews found as they were forced to work in the salt mines.

Fifty Jews, including Yanek, were sent to work in the salt mines. As they walked into the mines, they found statues that other Jew's had left before them. This is the camp that the former judenrat policeman was beaten to death by the other Jews because he helped break into the houses of the ghetto.

The prisoners were lining up for roll call before the gas chambers to get their tattoos after the shower.

Did you know?

There were over one million Jews killed in the extermination camp called Auschwitz.

The women is talking about how they had to get undressed and go into the shower rooms to take a shower. Then, they went into another room and had to get their hair cut. They asked if they can see their families on the weekends and she said the women laughed and said, "You see those chimneys? They are burning and on their way to heaven. Can you smell their burning flesh?"

After being on a train car with several Jews dying from starvation and the gusts of freezing air through the cracks in the car, Yanek arrived at a gas chamber. Instead of being gassed, water came out and they were showering. Soon after, they all had to get a tattoo of their specific number.

Did you know?

Did you know that only the prisoners of Auschwitz after 1941 were branded with tattoos of their number?

Did you know?

Did you know that approximately 100,000 Jews died during the death marches?

The Jews are walking to a different camp because the train cars were being bombed and used in the war. They called it the death march because thousands of Jews died from starvation and harsh weather.

This is where millions of jews were standing for the camps to take them.

This is the gas chambers where Jews were killed.