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Chromosomal Disorders | Sutori

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Chromosomal Disorders

A collection of disorders that are associated with abnormal chromosome numbers and structures.

Summarize the following Genetic Disorders in your notebooks under Lesson 3-14.

Triple XXX Syndrome : Females with triple X syndrome have a third X chromosome. Although this condition is genetic, it's typically not inherited. Instead, what usually happens is that either the mother's egg cell or the father's sperm cell has not formed correctly, resulting in an extra X chromosome. This random error in egg or sperm cell division is called nondisjunction.

Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)

Did you know?

African ethnic group Yoruba has an unusually high birth rate of twins, making it an interesting study group for research in the field of heritability.

Turner syndrome (TS) is a chromosomal condition that describes girls and women with common features that are caused by complete or partial absence of the second sex chromosome.  TS occurs in approximately 1 of every 2,000 live female births and approximately 10% of all miscarriages.

Williams Syndrome

Klinefelter syndrome is a condition related to the X and Y chromosomes (the sex chromosomes). People typically have two sex chromosomes in each cell: females have two X chromosomes (46,XX), and males have one X and one Y chromosome (46,XY). Most often, Klinefelter syndrome results from the presence of one extra copy of the X chromosome in each cell (47,XXY).