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Biography of Edgar Allan Poe | Sutori

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Biography of Edgar Allan Poe

Include a quote from the novel or something the person of focus is famous for saying:

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."

-Edgar Allan Poe

Provide a brief overview on the person of focus within your novel:

Edgar Allan Poe was an American poet, short story writer, editor and critic. He was a master of using many methods that we still use today and is most notably known for his tales of darkness and macabre.  He was incredibly dedicated to his choice of diction and is credited with inventing the detective story.

Poe spent much of his life in poverty while working to make a living from his writing.  The circumstances surrounding his death are still to this day up for interpretation.

Poe Places

Above is an interactive map to explore Edgar Allan Poe’s life and special places in the City of Baltimore. By clicking on each site historical information will pop up in a window.

Here you will include general bio information that includes the usual stuff: dates of birth, line of work, events of childhood that had an impact, key life events.

  • Poe was born in 1809 to 2 impoverished parents.
  • He was orphaned at age 2 after his parents died of tuberculosis
  • He was adopted by a man named John Allan with whom he never had a close relationship with.
  • He attended the university of Virginia and built up thousands of dollars in gambling debt
  • He joined the military which is where he started writing and publishing poems
  • After only a few years he was kicked out of the military
  • When he was 26 he married his 13 year old cousin

Did you know?

While most of the time when we picture Edgar Allan Poe, we think of him with his mustache, most of his life he didn't have the facial hair.  It wasn't until his final few years that he grew the mustache.

  • He was broke all of his life and often begged for money
  • Any money he did acquire he spent on alcohol
  • His final days have inspired over 20 conspiracy theories including:  alcoholism, rabies, epilepsy, and cooping

Other Accomplishments

Mention some other interesting facts and notable achievements.

This is a sample video. Please replace it with something succinct and pertinent to the task.

The Famous Person's Accomplishments

Poe launched the genre of detective fiction with 1841's "The Murder in the Rue Morgue"

Major Accomplishments

The famous person's major achievements and primary major work. Be sure to link to the source.

Infographic of Edgar Allan Poe


Which works by Edgar Allan Poe are you most familiar with?  List them below!

Share something amazing about the person's work!

"The Raven" is arguably one of Poe's most well-known and often quoted / used / misused poems.

Find pertinent reference to something that connects your person of focus to contemporary society.

List 2 - 3 interesting facts about the person that have not yet been stated.



Here students could explain what they enjoyed most about this person's biography / autobiography and finish off with some personal thoughts.

Image icon (Pixabay)

Use this space to wrap up your project and include your sources.