A cloze passage can be taken from any text;
it is typically 125 to 500 words long depending
on the reader's grade level.
There are a number of methods teachers use to create Cloze tests.
ThoughCo. recommends this common method:
- Replace every fifth word with a blank. This is where the students are to fill in the missing word.
- Have students write only one word in each blank. They are to work through the test making sure to write a word for each missing word in the passage.
- Encourage students to guess as they go through the test.
- Tell students they do not need to worry about spelling errors as these will not be counted against them.
To calculate the reader's score, divide the total number of correct suggestions for missing words by the total number of blanks.
For example, if there are 100 missing words and the student provide 80 correct responses, the student final score is 80%.
The most valid scoring system for diagnostic purposes is to accept only exact word from the original passage
(Ruddell, 1964).
For Instruction purposes synonyms are acceptable
(Gillet & Temple, 2004).
Scale for reading level:
Individual reading level = 60-100%
Instructional reading level = 40-59%
Frustration reading level = Below 40%