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5A: World War I Era Timeline | Sutori

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5A: World War I Era Timeline

My BIG FOCUS topic choice will be: women and WWI

Higher Order Paragraph

How was WWI a key factor in securing for women the right to vote?

Claim: ANSWER THE QUESTION IN ONE SENTENCE: WWI was a major factor in helping women get the vote in the USA.




World War I begins

A view of the sides of nations in WWI

The USA joined the side of the Allies in 1917

One of the first tanks used in WWI

Did you know?

Some of the new technologies used in WWI included tanks, submarines, planes, and chemicals.

Tank technology:

KEY = The tracks: Allowed tanks to move over muddy "No-Man's Land" in between the enemy trenches.

They could get through the barbed wire and were bullet proof.

However, they were very dangerous to use, and killed many tank operators.

This is the source we used in class to learn about new technologies in WWI

- 8 million soldiers died

- 12 million civilians died

- 20 million in total. (CT 2020 = 3.5million)

Diagram of trench warfare in WWI

The two sides reached stalemate where no-one could move, so they dug trenches to fight, live, and die in.


Jamboard from class about chemical weapons in WWI and 2020 protests

Many Americans still believe the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915, with 128 Americans killed, was the event to bring USA into WWI: IT WAS NOT!!!! USA entered war in 1917 - two years later.

Flying machines used in WWI

The Germans used zeppelins to spy on the enemy - they would fly too high to be shot at (usually). They cost a lot of money, and they were dangerous, and they didn't help win the war. BUT they were the first kind of flying machine used in warfare. The first aerial bombing attack was by the Germans on the British in 1915.

1915 Battle of Ypres

Germany was the first nation to use chemicals in war. They attacked the French army with chlorine gas. Those who didn't have gas masks would choke, and be blinded or even die. Later, the USA would also use gas against the Germans. Wilfred Owen's poem is the most famous about the experience of dying from gas.

Diagram of the Fokker invention
Fokker machine gun

The German, Anthony Fokker, invented a way to mount a machine gun on a plane that would stop when the propeller moved in front of the gun. The first plane shot down by a Fokker gun was in 1915


Did you know?

At first, America wanted to stay OUT of the war, and re-elected Woodrow Wilson as President in 1916 on the slogan "He kept us out of the war!"


Zimmerman Telegram

America joined WWI on the side of the Allies in 1917, because Germany tried to get Mexico to invade the USA and offered Mexico all of the Southwest of the USA

Women in the Navy saluting

Women were allowed to serve in the Navy for the first time during WWI, BUT were NOT allowed to fight - they stayed at home doing clerical work.

Did you know?

Women in WWI served as nurses. This gained them respect and gratitude, and made the job of nursing more professional.