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War's through the 20th century and into the 21st | Sutori

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War's through the 20th century and into the 21st

This slide show will go through the number of wars we went through, and how the aftermath of war-affected people such as unemployment. We go through the development of people's ideas, new technology, and how the world faces challenges that we have not quite experienced before, during the 20th and 21st centuries.

We are starting off with chapter 19, we read about the great war in most of the chapter. This picture perfectly represents the war from both sides. While the two sides are fighting to win the war we also have a glimpse of the aftermath of the war. We see skulls on both parties' sides. Another big aftermath of The Great War was A great depression. Which we can get into on the next slide.

Another important subject from chapter 19 was how The Great War created The Great Depression. The Great Depression happened after World War 1 due to war debt among other debt that was troubling for countries like Europe to pay off. The Great Depression is one of the world's longest economic downfalls in history. The banks were having trouble, lost many jobs, and a major increase in people became homeless due to mass unemployment.

The use of propaganda was pretty much used everywhere during The Great War. For example, the famous well-known "I want you" poster is part of the propaganda we see during this time. We also see technology being used to help benefit propaganda. For example, the radio, posters like the picture above, and newspapers all helped to catch people's eyes to help the movement a sense the government tries to brainwash the people to do what they want by trying to catch them with the use of propaganda.

by Michael Gray

Chapter 20 begins by letting us know how World War ll started for obvious unresolved issues from The Great War. The second War became way more global, invovling way more countries compare to the first war. The way I look at this picture above is how the unslove problems from the previous war brought them right back to the feild. Where men got hurt badly on a high demand for nurses even. More people got invloved with World War ll for example women volunteering to help win the war by supporting those who fought in it.

The Cold War is a bog part of chapter 20. The Cold War basically started due to unresloved problems from The Great War. The way I like to look at this picture is the same men who started of World War one can not stand each other even through all the loses they experience from The Great Wat, they are starting up again bringing out the tanks and more develop technology compared to what they both had before. It is known that The Cold War could have been avoided but becuase technology got better along with the tension the Sovit Union and the United States had brought us back to another War zone.

When you click on the website above, the picture I wanted to use shows us a well detailed map of the three worlds and where they are located. The three worlds basically are colonized and semicolonized nations. The three worlds consist of different nations. The first world is NATO which are the more well develop countries compared to other. The second world is Soviet Union with communits nations. Which they are consider around the middle compare to NATO. Lastly the third world being neutral countries. These neutral countries are consider more underdeveloped compare to the first and second worlds.

By David L. Hoffmann

Chapter 21 brings up how the Soviet Union collapsed bringing an end to the Cold War. This picture helps shows how a man looks at his once Soviet Union being cracked, broken, and no longer standing. They failed economically. While they were trying to stand for the soon fallen which help end the war.

by Jignesh Gajera

Chapter 21, We also see a growth in technology in this time frame as well. I really love this picture showing how humans grow with technology in a way. The human hand touching the robot figure gives us the idea of how far people came. This chapter brings up how the internet starts to arise. Not many people have access since it was something people need money for.

Chapter 21, We also see many people changing as a global rush. Many more people are living with more educated people than we have seen in the centries. Heath has gotten better, with more goods compared to before. The way I like to connect with the picture is how the bad is on the left and the good things arising on the right actually bring us together making us stronger in the world.

In chapter 22, We read more about how the world was actually healing from the Historical wars but now faces a new global challenge. We the world were facing a "Global War of Terror. For example, the biggest challenge the workers faced was 9/11. We have not experienced Global War terror until 9/11 really. We went such a long time from big actual war. This wasn't necessarily a war but it was definitely a terrorizing attack on the United States. The picture itself tells the whole story of 9/11 when the plan attacks the twin towers.

In chapter 22, We also read about the Climate change being more knowledgeable and people becoming more aware of how important it is. The picture above connects with the chapter because it shows how climate change can really be between life and death for all people. We only have one world and the left side of the picture shows how the world can become in that condition over time if we continue to do nothing about the situation. The chapter does go on mention how millions of plants are being threatened due to climate change, along with animals and soon humans can possibly be at high threat due to how bad climate change becomes. It was no surprise about the world was in this situation. Scientists have noticed since the 1980s. Even some viruses have been caused due to climate change.

Lastly, in chapter 22 an impotent subject that was talked about was the overall global challenges we faced. People faced many pandemics in the past, even in the 2000's we still can experience pandemics like COVID. We faced Terrorism such as 9/11, people had to protest to fight for what they believed in like the LGBT community. We all face more economic problems as well like after 9/11 happened. People were scared to work, the banks were facing economic troubles. Overall Global challenges were hard for those to face but were something everyone got to learn from. For example, security changed majorly in airports because of 9/11. These challenges were unforgettable, so to honor the challenges we must learn from them so we can try our best to prevent them.

Overall this timeline reprsents, War, the aftermath and causes fromthe wars. How life and technology develop over time. How the world had to unit due to global terror. All these events represents our World History. These events have lead us to who all countries are today. The most importent part about World History is we all are suppose to learn from our mistakes and battles to grow. We must not repeat history, we all are suppose to learn from it.