This ad is making logical argument because it is trying to persuade people to buy it. Here are the reasons why people should buy this makeup ”with break thru makeup” “your eyes will look bigger and brighter” “new design”-better “new” repeated, “awaken your look”. “Reward yourself”They persuade people to bye it so they can look more presentable when they put in makeup. “Reward yourself”. People want to reward themselves after working hard and they want to freshen their look. They see a beautiful women in the ad wearing the best makeup so they might want to buy the makeup to make themselves look just as beautiful as the women in the ad is with makeup on. Some people don't think they look good naturally so they might just want to look prettier and feel more beautiful and wear makeup to impress. But the ad is also trying to make it seem like the women only looks beautiful with makeup and made it seem like the beautiful makeup makes the women feel beautiful and happy so people think they might be happier with the makeup too so that's also a reason that they might buy it.
Rhetorical Analysis
Logical appeals to thoughts of the mind and the ideas that come up.
Emotional appeals to what upsets people.
Ethical appeals by persuading people.
Logical Advertisement

Emotional Advertisement
This ad is statistic yet emotional because many kids get bullied at a young age but relational aggression can be just as bad as physical bullying because you are getting other people including your friends to turn against you over false stuff and relational bullying can also make someone depressed or angry or could even ruin their life and have them want to commit suicide. Relational bullying is a really toxic form of bullying that needs to be addressed and it's also an important topic to talk about. It can damage the victim's self esteem and trust with others. When the audience sees the innocent little girl who is so young and affected by relational bullying, the audience has an emotional reaction because they are shocked to know that a person as young as 3 can suffer from such a toxic form of bullying. A 3 year old is basically the stage where you first go to school and to go through relational bullying when you just started preschool and getting to know other little kids is pretty upsetting. It might be a parent's worst nightmare to hear about their kids going through this type of bullying or just getting bullied in general.

Ethical Advertisement
The ethical appeal in the covergirl foundation is that their “Covergirl” is the well known celebrity, Taylor Swift. This displays and proves that their foundation the favored product among many including well known celebrities with glowing skin, including Taylor swift. This product appeals to a light weight, calming product that makes your skin feel cool and calming. Right when you look at this Ad you see a picture of the celebrity, Taylor Swift. Seeing a picture of this celebrity draws people's attention to the ad, along with her natural makeup look which shows her glowing complexion, enticing people to buy the product to look the same. Significant words in this ad that creates the appeal are, “flawless” and “light touch”. So in addition to using Taylor Swift on the ad, they use these words to explain how this product is a comfortable product and how it’s good for your skin. The primary appeal is effective because it convinces customers that the product is reliable and good because celebrities with great skin use them. They also appeal that this makeup is light, comfortable and doesn’t have any heavy synthetics like the competing, expensive brands. This shows why celebrities like Taylor Swift would choose this brand even if they can afford the more expensive makeup products. They play on the fact that most foundations and makeup products are known to have heavy synthetics, are oily products, and are not very good for your skin. They play on this by showing that their innovation is a new product that is light, cool, calming, and much better for your skin that competing products.

"Devastating Beauty"
Pfeifer, shocking, diction, revealing, eye-opening (emotions). "Emaciated, insidious, dissatisfaction." These words are powerful and effective because Emaciated stands for starving, insidious stands for sly, and dissatisfaction stands for disappointment.
"Depression, Guilt, Stress." These are powerful words because depression means sadness, guilt means wrongdoing, and stress means pressure. These words are negative because these gives out a negative feeling.
Overall Pfeifer’s word choice creates a emotional appeal because he used negative, powerful words for the point of view. The Emotional appeal is effective because it makes the audience feel bad for people.