Motivation -
Jaco Pastorius' influence on music and bass guitar is one of unprecedented value and reach. He had a larger than life personality, and an almost spiritual connection with music comparable to that of John Coltrane or Charlie Parker. There is a mythology that surrounds musicians like Jaco and their virtuosity. The discipline required to master an instrument is one thing but to completely revolutionize an instrument is another. Much like Parker and Bebop, Jaco is usually boxed into what was then known as 'jazz-rock' and has now become fusion. Also like Parker, Jaco was not chained by this genre label, and played everything from Bach to the Beatles, on one album nonetheless (see Word of Mouth - Jaco Pastorius). He always played creatively, with great time and intonation, and was always ruthlessly exploring the bass guitar's creative capability as a harmony-defining melodic and rhythmic instrument.