April 13, 1743 - Thomas Jefferson was born at Shadwell, Goochland County, Virginia.
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"
Thomas Jefferson believed that even evil was productive and could do some good. With that he also said that a small rebellion every now in then is helpful in keeping the government in check. These ideas he shared to James Madison, January 30, 1787.
The Highlights of Thomas Jefferson

1757 - Peter Jefferson died
1760-1762 - Thomas Jefferson attended the College of William and Mary.
1767 - Began his practice of law

1769 - The construction of the Monticello began of which Jefferson designed and lived in most of his life.
1775 - While a delegate to the Continental Congress, Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence which was amended by Benjamin Franklin along with other committee members
1779 - Jefferson became the Governor of Virginia and retired his second term in 1781 after the British had invaded Virginia.
1783 - Was elected to congress.
1785 - Jefferson was appointed Minister to France

Did you know?
Thomas Jefferson was the second American France ambassador with a 4 year term following Benjamin Franklin's 7 year term.
1789 - George Washington then appointed him Secretary of State
1796 - He was elected Vice-President of the United States

1800 - Jefferson was then elected president of the United States of America
1819-Later he founded the University of Virginia.

At on July 4, 1826 Thomas Jefferson died at Monticello

In conclusion, Thomas Jefferson was a great man as such can even be seen by his very headstone. He found for liberty, freedom, and as clearly seen religious freedom. The declaration of independence which he was proudly the author of is a huge contribution to the age of enlightenment for it brought about great change. What was so fascinating about that in addition, is how it also lead to impact other countries other than just America. He definitely had a full life and one that could inspire many.