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Genocide: Nanjing Massacre | Sutori

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Genocide: Nanjing Massacre

Classification- There has been an accumulating hatred from the Japanese towards the Chinese, going all the way back to the 1600's. As Japan started off having a lot of foreign influence from China, the removing of that influence and the exceptional growth Japan made had led to elitist beliefs and discrimination of the Chinese.

Symbolization- there is little symbolization when it comes to the Japanese being derogatory or racist towards by the Chinese outside of regards towards each others flags of the age. The Chinese see the Imperialistic Japanese flag as a symbol of hate and atrocity committed against humanity. The Japanese see the flag of the Republic of China as a symbol of barbaric actions and invasion into their culture and way of life.

Discrimination- The discrimination of the Japanese towards the Chinese was not direct as both countries had been trying to politically block each other for centuries. After WWI Japanese Imperialist policy had begun to attempt to take over Chinese import and export services which impacted both government's economies. Ultimately it was Japan's economy that suffered, fueling Japan's hatred more.

Dehumanization- The dehumanization at Nanjing is a special case as it took place directly during the attack with the soldiers alone. At the actual attack of Nanjing, the Chinese troops were poorly organized and unprepared which led to a quick surrender. The Japanese believe surrender is the ultimate act of cowardice and goes against the honor that the Japanese hold sacred. So they saw the Chinese as unworthy of life for committing this act and were no longer seen as human.

Organization- As this genocide occurred during the Second Sino-

Japanese War, the organization had already taken place as both sides were already armed. Granted, the Chinese soldiers at Nanjing were poorly equipped and not truly prepared for the battle that lay ahead while Japanese soldiers were well armed.

Polarization- The Rape of Nanjing is also a special case of polarization as it is a war between the two countries. Propaganda is a largely occurring thing in war and thus does not have as much weight here. Japan themselves had a large media blackout so that the people of Japan would not know of the true atrocities being committed. Media that spoke poorly of the military or the war were subject to punishment.

Preparation- In preparation, Nanjing is also a special case as there is a war going on between the two nations of Japan and China. They are constantly buying ammunition and training soldiers. Japan's reason to do such horrible acts is to win the war and spread their imperialistic thinking throughout.

Persecution- The Japanese began by separating the POW Chinese soldiers from the rest of the population. Citizens that were not killed on the spot were taken outside the city to then dig their own graves. Others were forced to bury each other alive.

Extermination- The extermination of the Chinese people within Nanjing occurred as first the Chinese soldiers being taken away and the completely random killings within the city. Women of all ages were raped and then murdered. No one was sparred, not even pregnant women as all

were raped and tortured. Many women were gang raped daily and while being kept to cook and clean during the day. Those that no longer served their purpose were killed.

Denial- Many Japanese have fought that the Rape of Nanjing never happened. And even if it had, it was Chinese soldiers who committed the atrocities against human beings. This has led to even more upset in Chinese-Japanese relationships.