Did you know?
Duendes are between 2-4 feet tall
Duendes are between 2-4 feet tall
where is are Duendes found
Do you think it is possible Duendes exist.
Duende is also the Portuguese way to refer to many small, humanoid mythical creatures.
What extremity are the Duendes missing
There are both black, or evil, and white, or good, Duendes in the Philippines mythology.
Have you ever seen anything that may be a Duende.
The Duende hides In the forest and lures children away. This could be a metaphor for our insecurities luring us away from living life to the fullest.
The Duende is also featured in pop culture. In a show titled Monsters and Mysteries a Duende appears.
The word duende is also Portuguese, used to describe goblins and leprechauns. They supposedly lured children into the forest.
In some Latin American cultures duende are thought to help people who were lost in the forest. These duende don't have thumbs.
In Mexico they believe that duende live in the walls of houses. They collect the toenail clippings of children.
El Duende, a character from Belizean folklore, was said to be about three feet tall. He also wore a hat with a wide brim.
In the Philippines duendes supposedly live in caves or by rocks. Their color, black or white, determines if they are good or evil.